To study France during the “Great War” – as it was called as early as 1914 – inv…
282 Results
Survey Articles (Regional)
Regional Thematic Articles
Regional Thematic
By Rémi Dalisson, Elise Julien
War victims left a huge vacuum both for their kin and society, which showed sign…
The centenary of the Great War was, in France, a unique commemorative phenomenon…
The Great War was unique in that it provoked an immediate, massive effort to mob…
The responsibilities of politicians and military leaders are defined in times of…
This article offers a survey of how French filmmakers covered the Great War. Beg…
In times of war, food becomes a major concern in military and civilian matters. …
Despite its weaknesses, the French parliamentary republic survived the First Wor…
The history of the Great War has always been written by an array of actors, incl…
French mobilization during the First World War created new industrial needs and …
Regional Thematic
By Galit Haddad
This article examines the institutional shake-up of the French labour movement d…
Behind the lines, writers largely supported the war effort in their countries. A…
To support the war, people needed to be able to make sense of it, and the French…
This article explores the issue of suffering through two distinct categories of …
The Armistice agreement foresaw the occupation of the left bank of the Rhine, th…
This article examines the German occupation of Belgium and Northern France in 19…
In France, a mixed economy was gradually set up during the war due to multiple f…
At the end of the war, all the belligerent countries had to face the dramatic co…
French post-war society had to face the consequences of a mass death experienced…
This article addresses the notions of propaganda and censorship between 1914 and…
This article focuses on the military anticipation and preparation for war in Fra…
During the First World War, France was faced with creating a system of mass capt…
The war radically disrupted the private lives of French families who were practi…
A conflict that was industrial and technological, the Great War was also a war o…
On 4 August 1914, in his first speech after the declaration of war, Raymond Poin…
Though it entered war with an already important public debt, France managed its …
When the fighting came to an end in late 1918, military losses for France were i…
In France, the mobilisation of women followed two parallel movements. One of the…
Encyclopedic Entries
The general trend in aircraft development during World War I was towards better-…
Much like fighter aircraft, World War I reconnaissance and bomber technology adv…
Reported missing in action in September 1914, Alain-Fournier is not officially c…
Alsace-Lorraine was a border region located between the Rhine River and the Vosg…
The Battle of Amiens, 8-12 August 1918, was a decisive British-led victory that …
Although he actually died of Spanish influenza, the trepanned avant-garde poet w…
The French Army of the Orient is a military unit, which was created after the di…
Artillery consisted of the military’s heavy firearms. As a branch of the armed f…
Attrition warfare is the term used to describe the sustained process of wearing …
Invented in France in 1860, barbed wire was further developed in the United Stat…
Fulfilling the archetype of the war writer, Henri Barbusse is the embodiment of …
A barrelmaker in a French village and corporal at war in an infantry regiment, L…
Widely known as a philosopher in France from the publication of his first book i…
Sarah Bernhardt was a French actress. During the war, she showed great commitmen…
A technique of concealment and protection, a means to deceive but not kill, camo…
By the beginning of the 20th century, field armies had integrated the combat arm…
The life and works of the poet Blaise Cendrars testify to a disturbing paradox: …
In 1915, France’s Champagne region was the setting for two large-scale French of…
Alexis-Armand Charost was bishop of Lille and a key notable during the occupatio…
Extracurricular mobilization of children through literature took place between 1…
In December 1914, there were several truces between enemy soldiers along one par…
During the war, Georges Clemenceau fought for a more efficient war effort and fo…
Collaboration is often associated with the military occupations of the Second Wo…
A selection of communication technologies, ancient and modern, was available at …
“United as we were on the battle front,” the rallying cry popularized by one of …
An extreme-right movement, the Croix de Feu was a prominent political phenomenon…
Jean Norton Cru did not consider himself a historian. Yet his life’s work, Témoi…
Dada, a transnational movement of artists, was founded in Zurich in 1916. It dis…
A local notable and mayor of Lille during the occupation, Charles Delesalle was …
Charles Delvert was one of the witnesses of the Great War. A graduate of the Éco…
Roland Dorgelès is the author of the pacifist novel Wooden Crosses (1919), a gre…
World War I was not simply a conflict among European states but a global war of …
During the First World War both sides accused each other of employing illegal sm…
Marie-Émile Fayolle commanded French forces on the Western Front throughout the …
Of the two world wars, the First World War was special in that fear figured prom…
A minority section of the women’s movements opposed World War I and organized th…
Abel Ferry was a French politician and minister as well as an infantry combatant…
Louis Feuillade was a popular filmmaker in France in the years leading up to and…
The use of portable flamethrowers in combat was a First World War innovation. Th…
Ferdinand Foch was a French general who commanded a corps and an army (1914), an…
Jean-Louis Forain was a French artist, who specialized in painting, print making…
European militaries considered fortifications before the First World War as vita…
Louis Franchet d'Espèrey was a French general who took command of the Fifth Army…
General Joseph-Simon Gallieni was a colonial officer who became the Governor of …
Roland Garros was a well-known French aviation pioneer before the war and succes…
Charles de Gaulle’s service during World War I and his experiences as a prisoner…
The war turned Maurice Genevoix into a writer. He embodied soldier loyalty and w…
The Spring Offensives of 1918 were Germany’s last attempt to defeat the British …
Henri Gouraud was one of the most important French generals during the First Wor…
Graffiti expressed both subversion and enthusiasm for the war. It was used by of…
Georges Guynemer was a French fighter pilot. During World War I, he was known fo…
Declared unfit for military service, sociologist Maurice Halbwachs worked under …
The hand grenade is a small hand-thrown bomb dating back to antiquity. Advances …
Gustave Hervé’s dates of birth and death (1871-1944) correspond broadly to those…
At the beginning of the 20th century, two different systems of exercise and trai…
The First World War precipitated a revolution in infantry tactics that changed t…
The Inter-Allied Games were held at the Pershing Stadium in Paris, France from 2…
During the invasion and occupation of 1914-1918, German soldiers had sexual rela…
A philosopher, historian, and journalist (creator of L’Humanité), Jean Jaurès de…
Joseph Joffre was commander-in-chief of the French army at the beginning of the …
This article details the mutiny of two Russian brigades sent to France in World …
The Lafayette Escadrille was a French Air Service fighter squadron formed of Ame…
The music hall song “La Madelon” was first performed in Paris café concerts befo…
Considered one of the best generals in the French armed forces, Charles Lanzerac…
Henri Barbusse published the emblematic French war novel Le Feu in 1916. Given t…
Léger was fascinated by the front, but barely ever depicted what he saw in his w…
The French Foreign Legion of the colonial era was mainly deployed in extra-Europ…
Le Poilu translates literally as “the hairy one” and was a collective identity …
Louis Loucheur was a French industrialist and politician. From December 1916 unt…
During World War One, Hubert Lyautey was the French Resident-General in Morocco …
Between 1914 and 1918, the machine gun played an ever-increasing role on the bat…
French Interior Minister when the war was declared, Louis Malvy embodied the Uni…
Charles Mangin was a very important French general during the First World War. W…
André Mare was an artist close to the avant-garde movement and was called to ser…
The battles of the Marne were two battles during the First World War. The first …
The institution of wartime pen pals to assist isolated soldiers who were unable …
The First World War represents the apex of the ideal of the male warrior hero. B…
The Great War unfolded on multiple fronts and saw millions of men and women call…
The real naval war in the Mediterranean turned out to be a struggle against Germ…
The Mémorial de Verdun is a museum built in the centre of the 1916 battlefield, …
The Military Board of Allied Supply, formed in mid-1918, attempted to centralize…
Between 1890 and 1925, Alexandre Millerand was one of France’s leading politicia…
The two Moroccan crises represent the product of “rapacious joint imperialism.” …
The First World War fundamentally changed the course of 20th century music. The …
Born in a Protestant family with an English mother, Robert Nivelle studied at th…
Paul Painlevé was a prominent French political leader from 1914-1917. He was the…
Paris Guns refer to the German long-range guns that fired intermittently on Pari…
A theorist of infantry tactics in 1914, the First World War offered Colonel Péta…
Raymond Poincaré, the president of the French Republic, asserted his authority a…
After fifty months of German occupation, a minority of French, and the majority …
The Socialists’ opposition to war in France, Germany and Italy during the period…
Prostitution was considered among the most important societal problems facing ci…
Although rape was not usually systematic, it occurred frequently on all fronts d…
The rear area was the space behind the front, linking the operational zone with …
Reconnaissance was aviation’s most important mission in the Great War. When war …
During World War I, about 2 million French citizens had to leave their homes, du…
As early as 1915, France considered celebrating those who died for the nation. A…
In occupied Belgium and France, citizens opposed the German army with organized …
Alexandre Ribot belonged to the French political elite for more than forty years…
The rifle was by far the most common weapon used in the world war. When the majo…
A pacifist writer, Romain Rolland was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1…
The 1923-1925 Ruhr occupation by France and Belgium was triggered when Germany d…
The Russian Expeditionary Force in France and in Macedonia (“Brigades russes en …
Marcel Sembat was one of the leading French socialists of the pre-war years. As …
A shell is a streamlined steel metal projectile, filled with a variety of explos…
In 1914, quick-firing field artillery could fire more shells than domestic indus…
During the First World War, governments, civilians and soldiers alike prized smo…
Soldier’s humour, as expressed in jokes, songs and slang, reflected a dark, iron…
Starting in 1915, periods of leave known as "permissionnaires" played a vital ro…
There was fighting in the Picardy region of France throughout the war. The 1916 …
Spy Fever describes an anxiety or paranoia that enemy spies might be active with…
The steel helmet was invented and fielded in response to increased lethality on …
This article summarises the main wartime stereotypes that defined war propaganda…
Storm troopers were soldiers in specialized assault units, which emerged in the …
The Supreme War Council was an Allied administrative organisation, created by th…
Fernando Tamagnini de Abreu e Silva was a Portuguese general during World War I.…
World War I introduced new technologies and doctrine in a quest to overcome the …
Whether on the Western or Eastern Front, by German, French, British, Canadian, A…
The song now known as the "Chanson de Craonne" ("Song of Craonne") remains one o…
The Thiepval Memorial commemorates “the Missing of the Somme”: more than 72,000 …
Albert Thomas was a French socialist who served as minister of armaments in the …
The tirailleurs sénégalais (Senegalese riflemen) figured prominently among the m…
"Trench Art" is a genre of folk art comprised of items created in wartime, or fr…
As prefect of the département of the Nord at the outbreak of war, Félix Trépont …
Founded in Lyon in February 1918, the Union fédérale was the largest veterans’ a…
Founded on 11 November 1918 with the support of French Prime Minister Georges Cl…
The Franco-German battle of 1916 quickly became emblematic of the entire war to …
René Viviani was a leading French politician in the early 20th century. When the…
The governments of all belligerent countries issued special loans to finance the…
This article examines the concept of war poetry and considers the range of poeti…
As a long-lasting industrial war, the Great War led to the realization of consid…
In the First World War, war toys were regarded as a means to strengthen children…
One third of the 9.7 million soldiers killed or declared missing during the Grea…
The YMCA was a Christian charitable organization that provided a range of rest a…
See Also
This article considers the use and evolution of air power during the First World…
Alliances were an important feature of the international system on the eve of Wo…
During the First World War millions of animals were utilised for war work, and c…
The First World War and its direct repercussions in the postwar period (revoluti…
New weapons produced during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s heighten…
The nature of the First World War put an end to traditions for battle painting. …
The term "atrocity" describes an act of violence condemned by contemporaries as …
Soldiers’ attitudes towards the Great War are a controversial issue, as they pro…
France and Germany remained principal protagonists of the First World War. This …
This article presents cartoonists as patriotic propagandists mobilizing their pe…
Censorship was an indispensable war weapon: its task was to keep the people in a…
The centenary of the First World War has been a catalyst for battlefield tourism…
The First World War centenary saw an emergence of new portrayals of the conflict…
The centenary of the First World War revealed palpable anxieties around a loss o…
Innovative historical scholarship played an important role in the shaping of mem…
The centenary events surrounding the First World War have produced a significant…
Libraries (local, specialist, and national) contributed in numerous and importan…
This article discusses how European museums – in particular, national war museum…
The commemorative period between 2014 and 2018 was marked globally by numerous e…
Mass conscription recast relationships in families, raised minors’ potential as …
By 1914 the leading states had succumbed to varying degrees of militarism, subor…
This article deals with civilian morale during the First World War. Between 1915…
The First World War saw the colonial empires of France and Britain mobilised to …
The First World War ushered in an unprecedented wave of commemorations. Mass dea…
By Peter Geiss
The article discusses the role of the media in the complex international process…
Total war is a controversial term used in the past by politicians, publicists an…
Cultural approaches to the Great War have played a key part in the renewal of Fi…
The end of fighting in 1918 raised hopes for swift and equitable military demobi…
This article examines the First World War’s ecological impact and shows that pro…
Throughout history, intoxicants were an important part of the war experience. Th…
This article surveys the financial and economic planning for war before 1914 in …
During the entire war, warring powers used the “secret war” to try to break the …
The extra-European theatres of World War I have received far less scholarly atte…
The First World War played a significant role in the evolution of film both as a…
During the First World War, food became a major issue for military and civilian …
This article examines the conditions, forms and consequences of forced labor and…
One sees a wide range of political regimes from a democratic republic with unive…
This article discusses the close relationships between national governments, adv…
The rapid spread of epidemics ravaged military personnel and civilians in and ou…
There have been four generations of historical writing about the 1914-1918 war. …
Hospitals framed and configured the convalescence of wounded and sick soldiers d…
This article focuses on the extent to which imperialism contributed to the outbr…
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, establishing both the Leagu…
The article examines international efforts to curb states’ war-making prerogativ…
The international crisis that began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Fer…
Across the major belligerent powers, industrial production and the mobilization …
This article compares the history of labour movements during the war across a ra…
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, the same day on which the L…
While public memory of the First World War in Europe often focusses on the death…
This article seeks to present an overview of First World War literature across m…
Claims to “just war” formed the basis for the propaganda campaigns of the First …
After the First World War, the general staffs and military geographers of all th…
The discourse about the Great War during the interwar period was shaped by numer…
It is impossible to talk about “the” medical care or “the” medical service of Wo…
What role do representations of the First World War play in media that reach a w…
Despite World War I’s reputation as a senseless bloodbath whose military operati…
This essay offers a comparative survey of the practice of military justice among…
This article examines the lessons derived by the military organizations that par…
Change and continuity marked belligerent societies’ norms and values during the …
This article describes the lives and afterlives of the First World War museums i…
The First World War created disfigured and mutilated bodies on a grand scale. Ne…
This article offers an overview of the progress of nationalism and the national …
Many issues surrounding the conduct of war in the years 1914-1918 were imperviou…
This article examines the use by Great Britain and France of colonial subjects f…
After an initial wave of interest in 1914 and the immediate post-war period, int…
The Great War was never considered the “war to end all wars” by the states and a…
The First World War was a global conflict that caught most of the participants i…
In August 1914, a targeted and systematic manipulation of opinion by the media, …
The idea of peace in total war may seem irrelevant, but pacifism, or peace activ…
This paper examines major peace initiatives during World War I. It describes eff…
The First World War represents a watershed in the history of war photography. It…
Post-war economies were beset with problems, ultimately leading to the Great Dep…
The First World War caused unprecedented disruption to societies across the glob…
The Great War gave new impulses to the further development of public welfare sys…
Word War I had a significant impact on the evolution of the European media scene…
German and British war planning has attracted a great deal of attention, but als…
The First World War marked the shift from a 19th century, relatively ad hoc mana…
This article summarizes and compares the principal arguments and strategies of p…
Propaganda played an important part in the politics of the war, but was only suc…
This article explores the policies adopted and implemented against enemy propert…
Raw materials were vital during the First World War. Due to the armaments produc…
National Red Cross societies played a very important role in the First World War…
This article addresses the scale of wartime population displacement in continent…
From the cradle to the grave, popular religion formed a necessary and vital, if …
The conduct of warfare in 1914-1918 included extensive population resettlement i…
This article surveys the various movements toward social, national, and politica…
The paper describes the impact of war on peasantry and its mobilisation in the w…
The military service of teachers and the mobilization of schoolchildren for volu…
Wartime science and technology developed in the context of the Second Industrial…
Allied capacity at sea to sustain global transport and supply determined their a…
This article provides an international overview of the history of sexuality in t…
This article deals with the nature of social conflict during the war. The length…
This article explores how the anticipation, reality, and memory of sacrifice inf…
Soldier newspapers are a massive, yet little used primary source of the First Wo…
From 1914 to 1918, theatres in all major European cities staged plays – comedies…
A vast array of initiatives designed to counteract the destructiveness of the Fi…
Reflecting current historiography, this article focuses primarily on Christian c…
The debate about the origins of the war remains a vibrant area of historical res…
Regardless of whether it was based on volunteer enlistment or conscription, mass…
This article offers an overview of peacemaking after the First World War from th…
Imperialism shaped almost every facet of international politics from 1898 to 191…
The Great War witnessed mass armies battling with modern, quick-firing weapons s…
Cities — with their comparatively large and dense but also vulnerable population…
This essay traces belligerent policies toward venereal disease (VD) on the fight…
Veterans’ associations formed an influential social movement during the interwar…
This piece explores the visualisation of violence for home front audiences and s…
Despite what some believe, there is still a lot to say and learn about the First…
At its outbreak, newspapers in the Allied and neutral democracies hoped to prese…
Static “trench warfare” belied a dynamic transformation in warfare between 1914 …
The Great War required war-making states to mobilize and sustain the financial r…
In nations where literacy was well-established by 1914, letter-writing was criti…
Military sources provide the primary statistics of war losses and casualties dur…
During the First World War soldiers from all combatant nations suffered from a w…
Through investigating the pivotal role of honour in private and public matters, …
To understand the Great War, one has to understand weapons. Weapons are linked t…
The Western Front, a 400-plus mile stretch of land weaving through France and Be…
It may surprise us to learn that some sectors of the European public were in fav…
This article explores women’s economic, social, and political responses to the F…
Female war reporters from belligerent and neutral countries were present in the …