Regions: Middle East
184 Results

Survey Articles (Regional)

By Hugh Beattie
Since 1905 Britain had paid the Afghan ruler, Amir Habibullah, a subsidy and had…
Ottoman Empire/Middle East
By Yücel Yanıkdağ
During the Great War, the Ottoman Empire fought on several major and minor front…
By Touraj Atabaki
The outbreak of the First World War coincided with a period in Persian history w…

Regional Thematic Articles

Regional Thematic
Bereavement and Mourning (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
By Pheroze Unwalla
This article explores bereavement and mourning in the post-war Middle East with …
Regional Thematic
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
By Mehmet Beşikçi
This article addresses resistance to military mobilization in the Ottoman Empire…
Regional Thematic
Centenary (Armenia)
By Boris Adjemian
In the midst of the First World War centennial, the centenary of the Armenian Ge…
Regional Thematic
Centenary (Israel/Palestine)
By Roberto Mazza
The closing months of 2017 saw a number of organized events unfold in Israel and…
Regional Thematic
Centenary (Turkey)
By Nazan Maksudyan
This article provides an overview of commemorations of the centenary of the Firs…
Regional Thematic
Children and Youth: Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Nazan Maksudyan
Ottoman children were not simply passive victims or casualties; they were engage…
Regional Thematic
Civilian and Military Power (Ottoman Empire)
By Nazan Maksudyan
The First World War required the most comprehensive mobilization of men and reso…
Regional Thematic
Disease and Public Health (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Melanie Schulze-Tanielian
From 1914-1918 infectious diseases, such as typhus, recurrent fever, dysentery, …
Regional Thematic
Film/Cinema (Ottoman Empire)
By Özde Çeliktemel-Thomen
This article explores film production and screening in the Ottoman Empire during…
Regional Thematic
Food and Nutrition (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Melanie Schulze-Tanielian
This article examines the central role of food management in the Ottoman Empire …
Regional Thematic
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Feroz Ahmad
After the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) seized power in January 1913, it…
Regional Thematic
Historiography 1918-Today (Middle East/Arab Lands)
By Charles D. Smith
Anglo-French historiography on the Arab lands during World War I originated as E…
Regional Thematic
Labour, Labour Movements and Strikes (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
By Yiğit Akin, Elizabeth Thompson
As in other belligerent societies, the Great War forced fundamental change in th…
Regional Thematic
Literature (Middle East)
By Najwa al-Qattan
This article provides an overview of 20th century Syrian/Lebanese literature on …
Regional Thematic
Literature (Ottoman Empire)
By Hülya Adak
The linguistic heterogeneity and literary plurality of the Ottoman Empire has ty…
Regional Thematic
Making Sense of the War (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Charalampos Minasidis
As World War I ravaged Europe and the Ottoman military mobilized, Ottoman societ…
Regional Thematic
Minorities (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Hans-Lukas Kieser
The Ottoman Empire was the most religiously diverse empire in Europe and Asia. M…
Regional Thematic
Music (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Jonathan Glasser
The World War One years are often treated as a blank spot in the musical history…
Regional Thematic
Occupation during and after the War (Middle East)
By Roberto Mazza
The occupation of the Arab lands of the Ottoman Empire was essentially the by-pr…
Regional Thematic
Occupation during and after the War (Ottoman Empire)
By Nur Bilge Criss
Memories of occupation by foreign forces are not usually articulated except when…
Regional Thematic
Organization of War Economies (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Graham Pitts
This article describes the Ottoman WWI war economy in light of its similarities …
Regional Thematic
Photography (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Issam Nassar
This article traces some of the uses of photography on the Ottoman fronts during…
Regional Thematic
Post-war Economies (Middle East)
By Eric Schewe
The Arab states that emerged from the Ottoman Empire after the First World War r…
Regional Thematic
Post-war Economies (Turkey)
By Dilek Barlas
In 1923, Turkey was declared a republic after fighting against the Allied occupa…
Regional Thematic
Post-war Societies (Middle East)
By Cyrus Schayegh
The immediate post-war Middle East formed part of a Eurasia-wide arc of instabil…
Regional Thematic
Post-war Societies (Turkey)
By Nur Bilge Criss
Incessant wars from 1912 to 1922 accelerated socio-political change and facilita…
Regional Thematic
Post-war Treaties (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
By Leonard V. Smith
In peacemaking in the former Ottoman Empire, a discrepancy developed between the…
Regional Thematic
Press/Journalism (Middle East)
By Benan Grams
This article seeks to examine how World War I influenced the Arabic press. Wheth…
Regional Thematic
Press/Journalism (Ottoman Empire)
By Ekin Enacar
Upon entering World War I, the Ottoman government imposed military censorship on…
Regional Thematic
Pre-war Military Planning (Ottoman Empire)
By Odile Moreau
Following its defeats during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), the Ottoman Empire rec…
Regional Thematic
Pre-war Societies (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Kate Dannies
On the eve of World War I, Ottoman civil society was flourishing. New political …
Regional Thematic
Prisoners of War (Africa)
By Daniel Steinbach
During the First World War Africans served as combatants, porters, and labourers…
Regional Thematic
Prisoners of War (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Yücel Yanıkdağ
During the Great War, at least 217,746 Ottomans were taken captive by the Entent…
Regional Thematic
Propaganda at Home (Ottoman Empire)
By Deniz Dölek-Sever
This article surveys propaganda on the Ottoman home front during the Great War b…
Regional Thematic
Prostitution (Ottoman Empire)
By Çiğdem Oğuz
This article focuses on prostitution on the Ottoman home front and the research …
Regional Thematic
Revolutions and Rebellions: Arab Revolt (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Alia El Bakri
This article provides an overview of the 1916-1918 Arab Revolt against the Ottom…
Regional Thematic
Revolutions and Rebellions: Van Resistance as Rebellion (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Yasar Tolga Cora
Violent clashes took place between the Ottoman troops and the Armenian guerilla …
Regional Thematic
Science and Technology (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Elizabeth Williams
Successfully deploying advances in technology and science was crucial to gaining…
Regional Thematic
Teskilat-i Mahsusa (Ottoman Empire)
By Odile Moreau
Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa (TM), or Special Organization, was a secret paramilitary int…
Regional Thematic
War Aims and War Aims Discussions (Ottoman Empire)
By Feroze Yasamee
The Ottoman Empire fought the First World War for the sake of survival in the sh…
Regional Thematic
Warfare 1914-1918 (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Mehmet Fatih Baş
When the Ottoman Empire entered the war, the potential Middle Eastern theater of…
Regional Thematic
War Finance (Ottoman Empire)
By Ozan Ozavci
From a financial point of view, the Ottoman entry into World War I was both impo…
Regional Thematic
War Losses (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Mehmet Fatih Baş
The Ottoman Empire’s entry into the First World War turned out to be disastrous …
Regional Thematic
War Memory, Commemoration (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
By Kyle J. Anderson
Since 1914-1918 various practices of remembering World War I have coexisted and …
Regional Thematic
Women's Mobilization for War (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
By Nicole van Os
The Ottoman mobilization of manpower in August 1914 not only involved men being …

Encyclopedic Entries

al-Da’uq, Umar
By Malek Sharif
Umar al-Da’uq was a merchant and notable of Beirut in the late Ottoman period. H…
Alī, Muḥammad Kurd
By Samir Seikaly
In 1914 Muhammad Kurd ‘Ali was Damascus’ most prominent journalist, owner and ed…
Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, Viscount
By James E. Kitchen
Field Marshal Edmund Allenby was a British army officer who commanded a variety …
Arab Bureau
By Samir Seikaly
A short lived agency, the Arab Bureau (1916-1920), was ostensibly established to…
Arab Officers in the Ottoman Army
By Michael Provence
Perhaps 30 percent of the World War I Ottoman officer corps hailed from Arab reg…
Arab Supporters of the Belligerent Countries
By M. Talha Çiçek
There were a number of Arab intellectuals who actively cooperated with the Enten…
By Tigran Martirosyan
Armenians contributed greatly to the Allied victories in Europe and Western Asia…
Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople
By Nazan Maksudyan
This article focuses on the function of the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul du…
Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)
By Toygun Altintas
With branches in the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and Iran, the Armenian Revolutionar…
Army of Islam
By Yalçın Murgul
The Army of Islam, which was created by the order of Enver Pasha dated 5 April 1…
Arslān, Shakīb, Amīr
By Makram Rabah
Shakib Arslan was a prominent Arab politician, polemicist, and man of letters. A…
Askerî Bey, Süleymân
By Benjamin C. Fortna
After service in the Balkans and in Libya, Süleyman Askerî was chosen by Enver P…
Azmi, Jemal
By Nikos Sigalas
Cemal Azmi was an Ottoman official who served during the Great War as governor (…
Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, Earl of
By Samir Seikaly
Arthur James Balfour was a British Conservative politician and statesman who ser…
Balfour Declaration
By Maryanne A. Rhett
The Balfour Declaration, the document that set the stage for establishing the st…
Batum, Conference and Treaties of
By Alexander E. Balistreri
The Batum Conference (May 1918) and treaties ended the state of war between the …
Beersheba-Gaza Line
By M. Talha Çiçek
The Beersheba-Gaza Line (or Defenses) are the three battles fought between the O…
Bliss, Howard S.
By Tylor Brand
Howard Sweetser Bliss was the President of the Syrian Protestant College (SPC) d…
British Mandate for Palestine
By Avital Ginat
The British Mandate for Palestine (1918-1948) was the outcome of several factors…
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Friedrich
By Oliver Stein
Friedrich Bronsart von Schellendorf was a Prussian-German lieutenant general. As…
Çabuk, Seyit Ali
By Tuncay Yılmazer
Seyit Onbaşı (Corporal Seyit) is an iconic figure and symbol of the Turkish nava…
Caesar Affair
By Tylor Brand
In late 1916, the Armenian and Syrian Relief Committee arranged for supplies to …
Caucasus Front
By Tigran Martirosyan
The Caucasus Front was the area where combat operations between the Russian and …
Cavid Bey, Mehmed
By James Ryan
Mehmed Cavid Bey was born in Thessaloniki to a Sabbatean (dönme) family in eithe…
Cemal Paşa, Ahmed
By Hasan Kayalı
Cemal Paşa belonged to the top leadership of the Committee of Union and Progress…
Circassian Nationalism
By Pınar Üre
Circassian nationalism refers to national movements among Adyghe people, a North…
Constantinople Agreement
By Pınar Üre
The Constantinople Agreement, alternatively known as the Straits or Istanbul Agr…
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
By Dimitris Kamouzis
The persecution committed during the Great War by the Committee of Union and Pro…
Egyptian Expeditionary Force
By James E. Kitchen
The Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) was a British Army formation that conduct…
By Erez Manela
World War I was not simply a conflict among European states but a global war of …
Enver Pasha, Ismail
By Feroz Ahmad
After leading the coup that brought the Committee of Union and Progress to power…
Evrenoszade, Rahmi Bey
By Ayşe Ozil
Rahmi Bey was governor of Izmir during the First World War. As part of the Union…
Fall of Baghdad
By Christoph Herzog
Baghdad was evacuated by the Ottoman military and administration and their Germa…
Faysal I, King of Iraq
By Tariq Tell
Faysal ibn Husayn commanded the Northern Army of the Arab Revolt and was raised …
Gallipoli, Campaign and Battle of
By Harold Allen Skinner Jr.
From March 1915 to January 1916, French and British Commonwealth forces fought a…
Goeben, SMS and Breslau, SMS
By Benjamin Miertzschke
The flight of the German battlecruiser Goeben and the light cruiser Breslau from…
Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922
By Elçin Macar
The end of the First World War and the defeat of the Ottoman Army gave a histori…
Hakkı, İsmail Bey
By Malek Sharif
İsmail Hakkı was an experienced civil servant. He collected and published detail…
Hoff, Heinrich Leonhard Emanuel von
By Mustafa Gençer
This article is about the career of Heinrich Leonhard Emanuel von Hoff under the…
Hoyek, Elias
By Youssef Mouawad
Elias Hoyek was Patriarch of Antioch for the Maronites. He is considered to be o…
Humann, Hans
By Malte Fuhrmann
A champion of “peaceful imperialism” before the war, Humann served as an éminenc…
Husayn ibn Ali, King of Hejaz
By Tariq Tell
Husayn ibn Ali launched the Arab Revolt in alliance with Great Britain. His rela…
Ḥusayn Kāmil, Sultan of Egypt
By Kyle J. Anderson
Husayn Kamil was the first sultan of Egypt after the declaration of the British …
Husayn-McMahon Correspondence
By Tariq Tell
The Husayn-McMahon Correspondence mapped out with studied ambiguity the terms of…
Italo-Turkish War 1911-1912
By Rachel Simon
The Italo-Turkish War (1911-1912) took place mainly in Ottoman Libya following I…
Jabotinsky, Vladimir
By Arie M. Dubnov, Brian Horowitz
Russian-Jewish author, playwright, journalist, orator, and political activist; c…
Jihad, Holy War (Ottoman Empire)
By Tilman Lüdke
Between 1914 and 1918, both the Ottoman Empire and Germany engaged in a propagan…
Karavangelis, Germanos
By Nikos Sigalas
Germanos Karavangelis was the most radical proponent of Greek nationalism among …
Kemal, Mustafa (Atatürk)
By Erik-Jan Zürcher
Mustafa Kemal Pasha gained fame during World War I both as a successful commande…
Killigil, Nuri
By Alp Yenen
Nuri Pasha, younger brother of Enver Pasha, contributed to Ottoman special opera…
Kreß von Kressenstein, Friedrich Freiherr
By Oliver Stein
Kreß von Kressenstein was a Bavarian-German officer who, as member of the German…
Kuşçubaşı, Eşref Sencer
By Benjamin C. Fortna
The child of Circassian refugees, Eşref Kuşçubaşı attended military schools befo…
Kut al-Amara
By Gökhan Çetinsaya
The Siege of Kut al-Amara between 3 December 1915 and 29 April 1916 is an import…
Kut, Halil
By Tigran Martirosyan
Halil Kut was an Ottoman regional governor and military commander. He is best kn…
Labour Battalions (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Tigran Martirosyan
Ottoman labour battalions were a form of forced labour in lieu of regular milita…
Martyrs/Separatists, Syrian and Lebanese
By M. Talha Çiçek
The terms "martyrs" and "separatists" refer to the decentralist Arabists of Syri…
Medina, Siege of
By Hasan Kayalı
During the Arab Revolt in 1916 forces loyal to Sharif Husayn surrounded Medina a…
Mediterranean Theater, Naval Operations
By Paul G. Halpern
The real naval war in the Mediterranean turned out to be a struggle against Germ…
Mesopotamia, British Mandate for
By Burcu Kurt
British mandate Mesopotamia marks the beginning of the formation of modern Iraq.…
Mesopotamian Front
By Christoph Herzog
Ottoman Iraq was attacked by British-Indian troops in late autumn 1914. After ha…
Mobilization (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Charalampos Minasidis
During the Great War, the Ottoman state mobilized its citizens under two war pol…
Morgenthau, Henry, Sr.
By Harold Allen Skinner Jr.
Naturalized American lawyer, real estate investor, and Jewish activist, Henry Mo…
Mudros, Armistice of
By James Ryan
The Armistice of Mudros was signed on 31 October 1918 between the Ottoman govern…
Murray, Archibald James, Sir
By Justin Fantauzzo
Sir Archibald James Murray was Chief of the Imperial General Staff from Septembe…
Near East Relief
By Tylor Brand
Near East Relief was formed in 1915 to address the catastrophic humanitarian con…
Orphans (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
By Tylor Brand
War, massacres, displacement, famine and economic crisis left over 100,000 child…
Ozanian, Antranik
By Tigran Martirosyan
Antranik Ozanian, commonly known as Antranik (pronounced Andranik in the Eastern…
Pan-Islamism (Ottoman Empire)
By Alp Yenen
Pan-Islamism was one of the major geopolitical and civilizational concepts of th…
By Pınar Üre
Pan-Turkism is the nationalist ideology that emphasizes the common ethnic, cultu…
Pasha, Cavit
By Mesut Uyar
A talented administrator but a mediocre general, Cavit Pasha served in various p…
Pasha, Esat
By Mesut Uyar
Esat Pasha played a key role during the Gallipoli campaign and achieved renown a…
Pasha, Talat
By Hans-Lukas Kieser
A first father of modern Turkey before Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and the driving fo…
Red Crescent (Hilal-i Ahmer)
By Esther Möller
The Red Crescent is one of two symbols of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movemen…
Reshid, Mehmed
By Hans-Lukas Kieser
A founder of the Committee of Union and Progress, Dr Reshid excelled during Worl…
Role of German Officers in the Gallipoli Campaign
By Thomas P. Iredale
Serving alongside their Ottoman brothers-in-arms, an estimated 500 German office…
Russian Occupation of the Eastern Ottoman Empire
By Alexander E. Balistreri
The Russian occupation of the eastern Ottoman Empire entailed the wartime admini…
Said Nursi
By Abdürrahim Özer
Said Nursi was a prominent Kurdish intellectual. He fervently supported constitu…
Sarıkamış, Battle of
By Tigran Martirosyan
The Battle of Sarıkamış, from 22 December 1914 to 17 January 1915, was a major e…
Sarre, Friedrich Paul Theodor
By Malte Fuhrmann
The renowned archaeologist Friedrich Sarre used his local knowledge to support t…
Shakir, Bahaeddin
By Tigran Martirosyan
Bahaeddin Şakir was the reorganizer of the Committee of Union and Progress, a po…
Sykes-Picot Agreement
By Tariq Tell
In dividing the Fertile Crescent into British and French spheres, the wartime Sy…
Syrian Protestant College
By Tylor Brand
The Syrian Protestant College (after 1920, the American University of Beirut) wa…
The Forty Days of Musa Dagh (novel)
By Hatice Bayraktar
Franz Werfel’s world-famous novel made the Armenian genocide internationally kno…
The Soldier's Sister
By Charalampos Minasidis
Greece’s Long Great War witnessed the mobilization of its young women as caretak…
Trench Art
By Paul Cornish
"Trench Art" is a genre of folk art comprised of items created in wartime, or fr…
Wangenheim, Hans von
By Christos Bouris
Baron Hans von Wangenheim was the German ambassador to the Ottoman capital betwe…
War Poetry
By Jane Potter
This article examines the concept of war poetry and considers the range of poeti…
Wilsonian Moment
By Erez Manela
The wake of the Great War saw mobilizations against empire across the world, wit…
Yildirim Army Group
By Odile Moreau
The Yildirim (“lightning” or “blitz”) Army Group was a special Ottoman-German ar…
Yudenich, Nikolaĭ Nikolayevich
By Tigran Martirosyan
Nikolaĭ Yudenich was one of the most successful Russian commanders in World War …
By Ofer Idels
Zionism is a movement that aspired to the creation of a sovereign Jewish state. …

See Also

Alliance System 1914
By Günther Kronenbitter
Alliances were an important feature of the international system on the eve of Wo…
Armenian Genocide
By Ronald Grigor Suny
In early 1915 the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire decided to deport …
Arms Race prior to 1914, Armament Policy
By Eric Brose
New weapons produced during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s heighten…
By Alan Kramer
The term "atrocity" describes an act of violence condemned by contemporaries as …
Bereavement and Mourning
By Manfred Hettling, Tino Schölz
In the modern era, new forms of mourning and meaning-making for fallen soldiers …
Centenary (Battlefield Tourism)
By Romain Fathi
The centenary of the First World War has been a catalyst for battlefield tourism…
Centenary (Computer Games)
By Chris Kempshall
The First World War centenary saw an emergence of new portrayals of the conflict…
Centenary (Education, Pedagogy, Youth Programs)
By Catriona Pennell
The centenary of the First World War revealed palpable anxieties around a loss o…
Centenary (Historiography)
By Jost Dülffer
Innovative historical scholarship played an important role in the shaping of mem…
Centenary (Visual Arts)
By Paul Gough
The commemorative period between 2014 and 2018 was marked globally by numerous e…
Civilian Morale
By Matteo Ermacora
This article deals with civilian morale during the First World War. Between 1915…
Colonial Empires after the War/Decolonization
By James E. Kitchen
The First World War saw the colonial empires of France and Britain mobilised to …
Controversy: The Media's Responsibility for Crises and Conflicts in the Age of Imperialism
By Peter Geiss
The article discusses the role of the media in the complex international process…
By Łukasz Kamieński
Throughout history, intoxicants were an important part of the war experience. Th…
Extra-European Theatres of War
By Michelle Moyd
The extra-European theatres of World War I have received far less scholarly atte…
Food and Nutrition
By Emmanuelle Cronier
During the First World War, food became a major issue for military and civilian …
Governments, Parliaments and Parties
By Torsten Oppelland
One sees a wide range of political regimes from a democratic republic with unive…
Health, Disease, Mortality; Demographic Effects
By Doina Anca Cretu
The rapid spread of epidemics ravaged military personnel and civilians in and ou…
By Boris Barth
This article focuses on the extent to which imperialism contributed to the outbr…
Influenza Pandemic
By Howard Phillips
By examining the origins, pathways, demographic impact and consequences for the …
International Law and the Laws of War
By Jean H. Quataert
The article examines international efforts to curb states’ war-making prerogativ…
League of Nations
By Anita Ziegerhofer
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, the same day on which the L…
By John Paul Newman
This article offers an overview of the progress of nationalism and the national …
Naval Warfare
By Eric W. Osborne
All of the great belligerent states of World War I were naval powers and engaged…
Negotiating and Mediating Conduct of War
By Matthew Stibbe
Many issues surrounding the conduct of war in the years 1914-1918 were imperviou…
Non-European Soldiers
By Richard Fogarty, Andrew Tait Jarboe
This article examines the use by Great Britain and France of colonial subjects f…
Post-war Societies
By Richard Bessel
The First World War caused unprecedented disruption to societies across the glob…
Prisoners of War
By Heather Jones
The First World War marked the shift from a 19th century, relatively ad hoc mana…
Property Rights and Economic Nationalism
By Daniela L. Caglioti
This article explores the policies adopted and implemented against enemy propert…
By Peter Gatrell
This article addresses the scale of wartime population displacement in continent…
Religious Mobilization and Popular Belief
By Patrick J. Houlihan
From the cradle to the grave, popular religion formed a necessary and vital, if …
By Chad R. Fulwider
This article surveys the various movements toward social, national, and politica…
Shifts and Tensions in Ethnic/National Groups
By Borislav Chernev
This article examines the changing dynamics of national tensions in the Habsburg…
Social Conflict
By Claire Morelon
This article deals with the nature of social conflict during the war. The length…
Social Costs of War
By Kimberly A. Redding
This article explores how the anticipation, reality, and memory of sacrifice inf…
The Churches
By Patrick J. Houlihan
Reflecting current historiography, this article focuses primarily on Christian c…
The Military Collapse of the Central Powers
By Graydon A. Tunstall
October 1918 witnessed the collapse of the German and Austro-Hungarian armies, b…
The Paris Peace Conference and its Consequences
By Alan Sharp
This article offers an overview of peacemaking after the First World War from th…
Transportation and Logistics
By Ian M. Brown
The Great War witnessed mass armies battling with modern, quick-firing weapons s…
Urban Societies and Cities
By Andrew Lees
Cities — with their comparatively large and dense but also vulnerable population…
War in the Balkans
By Richard C. Hall
The Balkan Wars erupted in South Eastern Europe in October 1912. Fighting contin…
War Losses
By Antoine Prost
Military sources provide the primary statistics of war losses and casualties dur…
Women War Reporters
By Stephanie Seul
Female war reporters from belligerent and neutral countries were present in the …
By Thomas Brodie
This article provides an overview of xenophobia during the First World War - nam…

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