Information for Authors

Manuscript Submission

Before submitting, please make sure your manuscript conforms to the author guidelines for Handbook Articles, Encyclopedic Entries or Discussion Articles. Putting your manuscript into the “1914-1918-online” style is much appreciated and will significantly aid the editorial process. Authors are encouraged to use our article (Handbook or Discussion) or entry (Biography or General) templates.

In addition to the text, articles may be accompanied by graphical, acoustical, and visual elements. We also welcome references to scholarly internet resources, for example digitised primary sources. Please see our link list for a multitude of online resources for images, audio files, maps, and other multimedia elements related to World War I.

Please note that it is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission for publication from copyright holders to reproduce copyrighted materials in “1914-1918-online” without restriction of time or place. If the copyright holder charges a fee to grant permission, the fee is the responsibility of the author seeking permission. A copy of the written permission must be submitted along with the manuscript. All material received without such permission risks exclusion from publication. All authors will also need to consent to the author’s agreement.

Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail attachment to the responsible Managing Editor or the Editorial Office, preferably in MS Word or Open Office format.

Review Process

Every submitted manuscript is subject to a full academic review, which is directed by the responsible Managing Editor or the Editorial Office. Manuscripts are reviewed in parallel by the responsible Section Editor and either blindly by an External Referee or by one of the General Editors. They are evaluated according to the following criteria: Does the article reflect the current state of research? Does it reference previous research appropriately and accurately? Is the article clearly and sensibly arranged? (And for Thematic Survey Articles: Does the article sufficiently pursue a transnational approach? Are all geographical areas of relevance covered?)

Revised manuscripts will be sent to the reviewers for final approval.

Authors will receive updates regarding the editorial process by email. Questions concerning the status of a manuscript should be directed to the responsible Managing Editor or the Editorial Office.


Preparation and Proofing

Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication by both reviewers, it will be prepared for publication by the Editorial Office. Accepted manuscripts will be edited in accordance with the “1914-1918-online” author guidelines and proofread by a native English speaker. In the final step, the author will receive PDF proofs for approval and publication release. The online version will include links both to other articles in the encyclopedia and to external internet resources. When appropriate, multimedia content will also be included.

The Bavarian State Library (BSB) indexes the articles and assigns non-ambiguous personal identifiers. This standardised indexing provides increased visibility of the encyclopedia in search engines.



Each article of “1914-1918-online” is a self-contained publication and its author receives full recognition. All articles receive a distinct URL address as well as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and are fully citable as scholarly publications. The Bavarian State Library guarantees the long-term, error-free storage of the digital information of the encyclopedia.

Upon recommendation of the editorial board, the author may be asked to revise his or her article for a later edition. If the author is not prepared or able to do so, or if they do not submit the revised text in a timely manner, the editorial board may engage another author. This author will then write a new article, not based on the original author’s text.

“1914-1918-online” pursues an Open Access policy to make knowledge freely available to the public and to support a greater global exchange of knowledge. To easily and effectively ensure Open Access, the Creative Commons Licence (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Germany-CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) is applied to all published articles (cf.


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