3787 Results
112th Urals Infantry Regiment band
11-inch howitzer of the 'Groden' coastal battery
"11 Novembre 1918- L'Armistice Est Signé"
144a King’s Cross Road, 1917
15 cm heavy field Howitzer 1902
17 cm quick firing (naval) cannon L/40 in firing position
1897 French 75mm field cannon
1914! Les Assassins!
1915: revue de guerre en deux actes
1919 Ration Card
1st Battalion of the National Defense Army, 1916
1st Middlesex Regiment transport column under fire, September 1914
1st Newfoundland Regiment dinner
20th deccan horse cavalry regiment
21 cm Mörser 16
“2nd Liberty Loan of 1917”, poster
2nd Road Corps, Chikukwe Swamp
2nd South Australian (Mounted Rifles) Contingent
2"Remember Belgium", British recruitment poster
„30 Millionen Mark“, poster stamp
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- Afghanistan25
- Africa337
- Albania64
- Argentina30
- Armenia41
- Australasia538
- Australia421
- Austria396
- Austria-Hungary908
- Azerbaijan4
- Belarus52
- Belgium599
- Brazil48
- British India179
- Bulgaria191
- Burma8
- Canada307
- Central America36
- Central Europe1580
- Chile21
- China128
- Colombia3
- Czechoslovakia103
- Denmark60
- Dominican Republic1
- East and Central Africa176
- East Asia230
- Eastern Europe973
- Ecuador7
- Egypt132
- Estonia58
- Finland51
- France1261
- Georgia4
- Germany1420
- Great Britain1227
- Great Britain and Ireland1372
- Greece143
- Haiti1
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- Hungary176
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- Indochina68
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- Iraq108
- Ireland268
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- North America960
- Northern Africa140
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- Russian Empire899
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- South America81
- South and South East Asia275
- South East Europe359
- Southern Africa115
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- Ukraine68
- Union of South Africa157
- Uruguay1
- USA880
- Venezuela1
- West Africa172
- Western Europe2136
- Yugoslavia86
- administration, civil service121
- agriculture393
- air warfare268
- alliances, alliance systems525
- antisemitism132
- aristocracy62
- armament and weapons550
- armament policy85
- armistices228
- artillery495
- associations305
- attrition warfare206
- banks and financial markets119
- battlefield tourism169
- battles, battlefields and campaigns1996
- battles, battlefields and campaigns, Africa223
- battles, battlefields and campaigns, Balkan peninsula475
- battles, battlefields and campaigns, Eastern Front562
- battles, battlefields and campaigns, Italy248
- battles, battlefields and campaigns, Near and Middle East458
- battles, battlefields and campaigns, Western Front1337
- battles, naval171
- battles, other62
- bereavement and mourning238
- birth rates34
- black market, smuggling113
- blockades310
- border conflicts150
- campaigns, naval100
- campaigns, other53
- cavalry182
- cemeteries and burials306
- censorship690
- chemical warfare317
- children and youth432
- civil rights movements17
- civil wars346
- civil-military relations535
- claims63
- coalition warfare58
- collaboration, politics39
- colonial labour197
- colonial labourers104
- colonial troops470
- colonialism, imperialism792
- combatants1328
- combatants, other78
- command and control1426
- command structures253
- commemoration, cult of the fallen731
- communication systems65
- communism, socialism412
- comunication technologies105
- conferences, conventions and congresses345
- conscientious objection87
- construction, military67
- controversies101
- courts91
- crime27
- crime and discrimination322
- crimes, atrocities637
- crimes, atrocities, other308
- cult of sacrifice150
- culture1188
- declarations160
- decoration, military98
- demobilisation181
- demobilisation, post-war120
- demography1048
- desertion281
- diplomacy347
- discrimination216
- diseases410
- disobedience513
- disobedience, other forms123
- domestic lending70
- domestic mobilisation416
- domestic policy807
- draft dodging48
- economy1467
- education175
- elections195
- embargoes50
- emotions251
- emotions, society331
- entering the war633
- epidemics329
- equipment and supplies395
- espionage216
- everyday life230
- everyday life, civilian war experience1395
- exile, politics111
- exile, society45
- exploitation18
- family, generation443
- famine and starvation402
- farmers, peasants188
- fascism148
- femininity198
- film263
- film, documentary169
- folk religion, superstition20
- food and nutrition500
- forced labour292
- forced migration171
- foreign labour125
- foreign labourers54
- foreign legions37
- foreign lending169
- genocide203
- governments1410
- hero cult224
- historiography348
- hostage taking81
- housing74
- humanities65
- humour83
- hygiene95
- images of the enemy134
- industry, other201
- infantry668
- inflation286
- inflation, post-war101
- injuries262
- institutions1636
- intellectuals284
- intelligence services99
- intergovernmental organisations83
- international law284
- international relations1916
- internment and POWs605
- interpretations of war334
- invalids143
- July crisis155
- juvenile delinquency29
- killing and dying107
- labour913
- labour movements199
- language68
- law and legislation532
- League of Nations297
- leave103
- letters and diaries422
- liberalism41
- literature and poetry401
- looting, devastation95
- maneuver warfare238
- masculinity246
- mass executions103
- medical services, military385
- medicine100
- memoirs and testimonies226
- memory and historiography1186
- mental trauma228
- middle classes106
- migration74
- militarism, culture65
- militarism, political104
- military infrastructure849
- military law175
- military planning and recruitment1265
- military sciences and technology377
- ministries and departments389
- minorities528
- minorities policy336
- mobilisation, economic131
- mobilisation, military652
- mobilisation, religious239
- mobilization, cultural834
- monarchy486
- mortality157
- motivations201
- mountain warfare83
- museums, exhibitions235
- music112
- mutilations114
- mutilations and disfigurations7
- mutiny249
- nation-building299
- national movements272
- nationalism, culture273
- nationalism, political595
- natural sciences40
- neutrality696
- news agencies64
- newspapers771
- nurses304
- occupation, military604
- occupation, society368
- officers544
- origins of war139
- orphans156
- pacifism317
- paramilitary forces152
- paramilitary forces, post-war111
- parliaments562
- parties, communist135
- parties, confessional57
- parties, conservative105
- parties, liberal169
- parties, nationalist106
- parties, other71
- parties, socialist293
- peace initiatives149
- peace movements62
- peace treaties477
- petty crime8
- photography281
- pogroms78
- police90
- political and social movements681
- political and social movements, other90
- political ideologies1223
- political ideologies, other26
- political violence57
- politics, law2650
- population, rural285
- population, urban351
- post-war conflicts327
- post-war economy219
- post-war moral values53
- post-war politics1013
- post-war social conflicts220
- post-war society717
- press, journalism815
- private welfare109
- proclamations of new states425
- propaganda1053
- propaganda, domestic886
- propaganda, international314
- propaganda, military266
- public opinion638
- racism, xenophobia284
- rape147
- rationing and shortages672
- raw materials322
- recruitment493
- refugees427
- relief organisations477
- religion and ethics492
- religious institutions295
- remembrance days306
- reparations86
- resistance and revolutions934
- revolts, political298
- revolts, society155
- revolutions720
- right wing movements47
- riots14
- riots, political81
- riots, society176
- scares and rumours128
- science and technology626
- Second World War340
- self-mutilation80
- sexuality80
- social conflict574
- social groups1138
- social policy127
- social sciences19
- society2296
- soldiers, experiences and attitudes762
- sports and leisure time60
- storm troopers12
- strategies, military416
- strikes, political252
- strikes, society371
- submarine warfare424
- substitutes43
- substitutes, economy15
- suffrage213
- surface warfare336
- symbolic politics66
- tactics, military343
- tank warfare158
- taxation121
- technical sciences197
- technology transfer15
- territorial questions529
- the elderly14
- the media1580
- theatre185
- theories, military51
- trade362
- trade unions334
- training and education, military255
- transport156
- transport, logistics and infrastructure449
- transportation technologies128
- trauma and medical care868
- treaties and agreements, other187
- trench warfare583
- trials118
- unemployment, during and after war246
- upper classes167
- venereal diseases70
- veterans488
- visual arts402
- volunteers438
- wages241
- war aims319
- war correspondents142
- war economy1055
- war fatigue141
- war finance469
- war industry369
- war legislation94
- war losses, civilian319
- war losses, economic77
- war losses, military756
- war monuments, war memorials541
- war myths322
- warfare and the military3000
- warfare, air268
- warfare, land907
- warfare, naval691
- wars after war775
- widows159
- women and men375
- women's labour319
- women's movements201
- working classes297