This article presents a survey of the First World War in the region of today’s s…
254 Results
Survey Articles (Regional)
This paper presents the process of building an independent Polish state during t…
The Russian Empire entered the war in order to preserve its Great Power status, …
Regional Thematic Articles
This paper shows the transformation and subsequent preservation of Russian funer…
Regional Thematic
By Aleksandr Borisovich Astashov
The goal of this article is to uncover the causes, dynamics, and transformation …
Belarus is in a region that was greatly affected by the First World War. For var…
Contrary to the Great War, the regaining of Polish independence in 1918 has long…
In Russia, the eve of 2014 and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the o…
In Ukraine, commemorations of the centennial of the First World War were sporadi…
This article examines the mechanisms, results, and characteristics of the nation…
Regional Thematic
By Jussi Jalonen, Klaus Richter, Piotr Szlanta
In the countries of East Central Europe, the commemoration of soldiers who fell …
The fundamental factor in the existence of a Russian cult of the war dead was th…
Until 1914, cinema in the Polish lands was shaped by borders between the partiti…
An early actor in the cinema industry, Russia held a special position due to the…
An early actor in the cinema industry, Russia held a special position due to the…
The German occupation of the north-western territories of the tsarist empire was…
Food and nutrition became a crucial problem in wartime Russia. This problem may …
Regional Thematic
By Klaus Richter, Piotr Szlanta
Political movements in Poland and the Baltics were heavily influenced by the Ger…
Regional Thematic
By Fedor Aleksandrovich Gaida
At the beginning of World War I, Russian political parties found themselves in d…
East Central European historians of the First World War have focused and continu…
Regional Thematic
By Evan Mawdsley
The Russian Civil War of 1917-20 was closely related to the World War in terms o…
During the First World War, revolutionary changes occurred in the labour movemen…
This article outlines the development of the labour movement in Russia from the …
This essay surveys the issue of Russian labor during the First World War. It sum…
This article outlines the corpus and characteristics of Russian literature durin…
While on the Western Front there were only limited territorial movements, the Ea…
This article examines the politics of the German (Generalgouvernement Warschau) …
Occupation played a crucial role in Eastern Europe between 1914 and 1921: the hi…
The multiple demands of protracted warfare subjected the entire economic system …
During the First World War, Józef Piłsudski and his followers invented the legen…
Agrarianism became a major political force in the independent states that emerge…
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland – all countries founded after Wo…
In the context of the Russian economy’s spectacular collapse under the strain of…
The armistices of 1918 officially ended the First World War in Europe, but viole…
Although in late 1918 countries of East Central Europe had different forms of go…
In contrast with the war in the West and its aftermath, the First World War in E…
The situation of the press in East Central Europe worsened after the outbreak of…
Tsarist censorship strictly limited the information about military operations th…
This article is devoted to the main stages and areas of military planning in Rus…
During the war, hundreds of thousands of East Central Europeans mobilised to the…
This article explores the particularities of the situation of prisoners of war (…
This article discusses the content and impact of various propaganda strategies w…
This article studies the main institutions, forms, content, means, and degree of…
This article discusses the influence the Russian Revolution had on countries in …
The Russian Revolution was one of the most influential events to emerge from the…
Although Russia made considerable progress in the decades preceding 1914, the on…
Regional Thematic
By Michael S. Melancon
This essay analyzes social conflict in the Russian Empire during the Great War. …
Already in autumn 1914, East Central Europe became a main theatre of operational…
Regional Thematic
By David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye
Russia reluctantly entered the Great War to preserve its status as a great power…
Unlike the war on the Western Front, warfare in East Central Europe during the F…
In late summer 1914 the Russian, German and Austrian armies engaged in intense b…
World War I was financially ruinous for the Russian government. Its decision to …
With about 5.5 million out of 16 million soldiers killed and wounded, the Russia…
As a total war, the First World War precipitated the involvement of thousands of…
Encyclopedic Entries
Mikhail Alekseyev was a Russian general who was the chief of staff of the genera…
Born Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, Aleksandra Fedorovna married the future Russia…
During World War I, the Russian military command was overtly anti-Semitic. Russi…
The Army of Islam, which was created by the order of Enver Pasha dated 5 April 1…
The Republic of Azerbaijan is a majority Turkic and secular Muslim nation in the…
The Battle of Baku was the conclusive battle that ended the war between the anti…
During the Estonian War of Independence, the Baltic Germans - despite their rela…
When Latvia felt endangered by the Bolsheviks they called for German help, since…
Invented in France in 1860, barbed wire was further developed in the United Stat…
The Great War was a severe trial for Belarus and its population. It ruined the l…
Jan Bloch was an entrepreneur, social activist and pacifist. At the end of his l…
Elsa Brändström was the only neutral representative to work amongst prisoners of…
Aleksei Alekseevich Brusilov was a Russian general in the First World War, succe…
The Battle of Cēsis took place on 6-23 June 1919, near Cēsis, Latvia, during Lat…
During the war, the Tsarist government imported large groups of Chinese to the R…
Circassian nationalism refers to national movements among Adyghe people, a North…
Cossacks were warrior subjects who provided the tsars with mounted troops in ret…
The Czechoslovak Legion was a military formation of Czechs, Slovaks, exiles, and…
Ignacy Daszyński was one of the foremost figures on the Polish political scene i…
Following the Bolshevik seizure of power in October 1917, Lenin issued his Decre…
Anton Ivanovich Denikin was a Russian general, politician and writer. He fought …
Roman Stanisław Dmowski was a Polish politician and most importantly the co-foun…
In February 1917 two centres of power emerged to replace the tsarist government:…
The Tsar reluctantly granted an elected legislative assembly, the State Duma, du…
The First World War, the Russian revolutions of February and October 1917, and t…
World War I was not simply a conflict among European states but a global war of …
During the First World War both sides accused each other of employing illegal sm…
Of the two world wars, the First World War was special in that fear figured prom…
The Finnish Civil War was fought between the socialist Reds and the non-socialis…
European militaries considered fortifications before the First World War as vita…
Juozas Gabrys was one of the major advocates of Lithuanian political aspirations…
Stavka Verkhovnogo Glavnokomanduyushchego was the centre of the field command o…
World War One was a catalyst for Georgian independence, which was declared on 26…
Grigorovich was Navy Minister between 1911 and 1917. He sought cooperation with …
General Vassillii Iosifovich Gurko was a Russian military commander during the F…
General Józef Haller was one of the best known Polish military commanders of the…
The so-called “Wars of Independence” in the Baltics were part of a larger confli…
Russian-Jewish author, playwright, journalist, orator, and political activist; c…
The Finnish Jäger movement recruited approximately 2,000 men to the German Armed…
In July 1917, economic chaos and unpopular preparations for military action prov…
Aleksandr Kerenskii was Minister of War in Russia’s Provisional Government from …
Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kolchak was a Russian admiral and political figure. He par…
Kornilov rose rapidly in the Russian army during the First World War, becoming C…
The Battle of Kostiuchnówka occurred during the Brusilov Offensive in the Volhyn…
This article details the mutiny of two Russian brigades sent to France in World …
Johan Laidoner, Estonian general and statesman, started his career in the Russia…
The Latvian Riflemen were Latvian territorial units comprised of nine battalions…
In World War I Lemberg (German: Lemberg, Ukrainian: Lviv, Polish: Lwów) played a…
Vladimir Il’ich Lenin was the founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party and of t…
Between 1914 and 1918, the machine gun played an ever-increasing role on the bat…
Nestor Makhno was a commander of peasant insurgents who fought the Bolsheviks, W…
A Finnish aristocrat, Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim served as cavalry commander in…
One of the founders and leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, Pavel Ni…
During the First World War, at least half a million Muslim soldiers fought in th…
Nicholas II ruled Russia from 1894 and was commander of the army from September …
Nikolai Nikolaevich, a senior Russian officer and close relative of Tsar Nichola…
The Gorlice-Tarnów Offensive of May/June 1915 was a major military success for A…
Ignacy Jan Paderewski was a virtuoso pianist. He made use of his popularity in t…
Konstantin Päts, a leading Estonian politician, was a key figure in the establis…
During the Russian Civil War, peasant uprisings swept the former Russian Empire.…
Józef Klemens Piłsudski was a Polish statesman, socialist politician, freedom fi…
The Bayonne Company was the first Polish unit in France, formed in 1914 as a uni…
In the 19th century, the German-Polish borderlands became the object of national…
The Związek Legionistów Polskich (Polish Legionaries Union), or ZLP, was an asso…
At the outbreak of the Great War, two Polish Legions were formed within the Aust…
The Polish-Lithuanian border conflict (1914-1924) was a consequence of the proce…
The Polish Army was born out of the chaos of revolutionary Russia. The Russian a…
Polish paramilitary organizations were active in Galicia from 1910 to 1914 with …
The hostilities between Bolshevik Russia and Poland started as early as 1919. In…
The Polish-Ukrainian conflict over Eastern Galicia in 1918-19 refers to an armed…
Prostitution was considered among the most important societal problems facing ci…
When the tsarist government collapsed in February 1917, liberal politicians from…
Vast land area, sparse population density, inconsistent tsarist policy, and unde…
Although rape was not usually systematic, it occurred frequently on all fronts d…
Rasputin was a peasant turned pilgrim who became a close associate of the Russia…
Reconnaissance was aviation’s most important mission in the Great War. When war …
The Red Army was a paradoxical force created by a party deeply suspicious of reg…
German and Austrian advances in 1914 and 1915, together with policies of the Rus…
Social and political unrest swept the Russian Empire in 1905, forcing the autocr…
The Treaty of Riga was signed by Poland and the Soviet state on 18 March 1921 an…
The Russian Expeditionary Force in France and in Macedonia (“Brigades russes en …
The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, caused by Russian and Japanese expansionism…
Sergei Sazonov became Russian Foreign Minister in autumn 1910. In July 1914 he a…
In 1914, quick-firing field artillery could fire more shells than domestic indus…
Boris Shtiurmer was Prime Minister from January to November 1916, also serving a…
Woodrow Wilson proposed a joint intervention with Japan to “rescue” the Czech le…
The Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (Ukrains’ki Sičovi stril’tsi, USS) was a Ukrainian b…
During the First World War, political writer and editor of Lithuanian magazines,…
During the First World War, governments, civilians and soldiers alike prized smo…
Spy Fever describes an anxiety or paranoia that enemy spies might be active with…
Joseph Stalin lived in Siberian exile from 1913 until the revolution of March 19…
This article summarises the main wartime stereotypes that defined war propaganda…
Having gained success throughout Europe with his compositions for the Ballets Ru…
Fought between the Finnish Red and White forces from 15 March to 6 April 1918, t…
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw was originally built to honor the fall…
Before and at the beginning of World War I, various proposals concerning the cre…
Leon Trotsky's communist leadership was partially responsible for bringing about…
The province of Turkestan - modern-day Central Asia -, a Russian military colony…
At the beginning of the 20th century Ukrainian lands were part of the Austro-Hun…
Kārlis Ulmanis was the first prime minister of the Republic of Latvia. His four …
The Union des Nationalités, alternatively called the Office Central des National…
The Unions of Zemstvos and of Towns mobilised local self-government bodies and p…
Jukums Vācietis commanded the 5thZemgale Latvian Rifle Battalion. After the Octo…
During the First World War, as professor at the University of Perm (Russia), Aug…
The Volunteer Army was the operational formation of anti-Bolshevik forces in Sou…
The governments of all belligerent countries issued special loans to finance the…
War Communism refers to policies, particularly economic, pursued by the Bolshevi…
War Industry Committees were an attempt by Russian industrialists to mobilise th…
Wireless telegraphy became an integral part of warfare on the ground, in the air…
Petr Nikolaevich Wrangel was a Russian general and political leader. He particip…
Nikolaĭ Yudenich was one of the most successful Russian commanders in World War …
See Also
This article considers the use and evolution of air power during the First World…
Alliances were an important feature of the international system on the eve of Wo…
The First World War and its direct repercussions in the postwar period (revoluti…
New weapons produced during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s heighten…
The term "atrocity" describes an act of violence condemned by contemporaries as …
In the modern era, new forms of mourning and meaning-making for fallen soldiers …
Soldiers’ attitudes towards the Great War are a controversial issue, as they pro…
This article presents cartoonists as patriotic propagandists mobilizing their pe…
Censorship was an indispensable war weapon: its task was to keep the people in a…
Innovative historical scholarship played an important role in the shaping of mem…
The centenary events surrounding the First World War have produced a significant…
This article discusses how European museums – in particular, national war museum…
The commemorative period between 2014 and 2018 was marked globally by numerous e…
By 1914 the leading states had succumbed to varying degrees of militarism, subor…
This article deals with civilian morale during the First World War. Between 1915…
The First World War saw the colonial empires of France and Britain mobilised to …
The First World War ushered in an unprecedented wave of commemorations. Mass dea…
By Peter Geiss
The article discusses the role of the media in the complex international process…
The end of fighting in 1918 raised hopes for swift and equitable military demobi…
Throughout history, intoxicants were an important part of the war experience. Th…
Until recently, the eastern theater of the First World War was what Winston Chur…
This article surveys the financial and economic planning for war before 1914 in …
During the entire war, warring powers used the “secret war” to try to break the …
The First World War played a significant role in the evolution of film both as a…
This article examines the conditions, forms and consequences of forced labor and…
One sees a wide range of political regimes from a democratic republic with unive…
This article discusses the close relationships between national governments, adv…
The rapid spread of epidemics ravaged military personnel and civilians in and ou…
There have been four generations of historical writing about the 1914-1918 war. …
By examining the origins, pathways, demographic impact and consequences for the …
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, establishing both the Leagu…
The article examines international efforts to curb states’ war-making prerogativ…
The international crisis that began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Fer…
Across the major belligerent powers, industrial production and the mobilization …
This article compares the history of labour movements during the war across a ra…
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, the same day on which the L…
This article seeks to present an overview of First World War literature across m…
What role do representations of the First World War play in media that reach a w…
There is an ongoing debate among historians whether the First World War did in f…
Militarism is a vague term that has meant different things to different people a…
This essay offers a comparative survey of the practice of military justice among…
This article examines the lessons derived by the military organizations that par…
Change and continuity marked belligerent societies’ norms and values during the …
This article describes the lives and afterlives of the First World War museums i…
Many issues surrounding the conduct of war in the years 1914-1918 were imperviou…
After an initial wave of interest in 1914 and the immediate post-war period, int…
The Great War was never considered the “war to end all wars” by the states and a…
The First World War was a global conflict that caught most of the participants i…
In August 1914, a targeted and systematic manipulation of opinion by the media, …
The idea of peace in total war may seem irrelevant, but pacifism, or peace activ…
While World War I featured the largest armies ever assembled, it was also fought…
This paper examines major peace initiatives during World War I. It describes eff…
The First World War represents a watershed in the history of war photography. It…
The First World War caused unprecedented disruption to societies across the glob…
The First World War marked the shift from a 19th century, relatively ad hoc mana…
This article summarizes and compares the principal arguments and strategies of p…
This article explores the policies adopted and implemented against enemy propert…
Raw materials were vital during the First World War. Due to the armaments produc…
National Red Cross societies played a very important role in the First World War…
This article addresses the scale of wartime population displacement in continent…
From the cradle to the grave, popular religion formed a necessary and vital, if …
The conduct of warfare in 1914-1918 included extensive population resettlement i…
This article surveys the various movements toward social, national, and politica…
The paper describes the impact of war on peasantry and its mobilisation in the w…
The Russian civil war was not simply a conflict between Red communists and White…
This article examines the changing dynamics of national tensions in the Habsburg…
This article deals with the nature of social conflict during the war. The length…
This article explores how the anticipation, reality, and memory of sacrifice inf…
A vast array of initiatives designed to counteract the destructiveness of the Fi…
Reflecting current historiography, this article focuses primarily on Christian c…
This essay examines how the "everyday" functions in war, not only for those on t…
The debate about the origins of the war remains a vibrant area of historical res…
Regardless of whether it was based on volunteer enlistment or conscription, mass…
This article offers an overview of peacemaking after the First World War from th…
Imperialism shaped almost every facet of international politics from 1898 to 191…
Cities — with their comparatively large and dense but also vulnerable population…
This essay traces belligerent policies toward venereal disease (VD) on the fight…
Veterans’ associations formed an influential social movement during the interwar…
Despite what some believe, there is still a lot to say and learn about the First…
Static “trench warfare” belied a dynamic transformation in warfare between 1914 …
The Great War required war-making states to mobilize and sustain the financial r…
In nations where literacy was well-established by 1914, letter-writing was criti…
Military sources provide the primary statistics of war losses and casualties dur…
Through investigating the pivotal role of honour in private and public matters, …
It may surprise us to learn that some sectors of the European public were in fav…
This article explores women’s economic, social, and political responses to the F…
Female war reporters from belligerent and neutral countries were present in the …
This article provides an overview of xenophobia during the First World War - nam…