Regions: South and South East Asia
67 Results

Survey Articles (Regional)

By Michael W. Charney
Burma’s participation in World War I was limited mainly to the provision of troo…
By Claire Thi Liên Trân
Indochina contributed significantly to the French war effort in terms of funds, …
By Ricardo Jose
World War I seemed distant to most Filipinos, who were focused on fighting for i…
By Stefan Hell
Siam (Thailand) declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary in mid-1917. In 1918…

Regional Thematic Articles

Regional Thematic
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Indochina)
By Kimloan Vu-Hill
This paper provides a brief account of the experiences of the Vietnamese who wen…
Regional Thematic
Centenary (Singapore)
By Kevin Blackburn
Between 2014 and 2018, there were no state-organized events to mark the centenar…
Regional Thematic
Centenary (Thailand)
By Bhawan Ruangsilp, Din Buadaeng
On 22 July 1917, King Vajiravudh of Siam declared war on Germany and Austria-Hun…
Regional Thematic
Colonial Society (Indochina)
By Pierre Brocheux
When World War I broke out, the military conquest of the countries located betwe…
Regional Thematic
Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (India)
By Rana Chhina, Adil Chhina
The betrayal of popular political aspirations by the colonial state, followed by…
Regional Thematic
Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Indochina)
By Eric Thomas Jennings
Memorials designed to commemorate Indochina’s war dead were generally spearheade…
Regional Thematic
Food and Nutrition (Indochina)
By Erica J. Peters
The diet of most people in Indochina during World War I was influenced more by c…
Regional Thematic
Health and Medicine (India)
By Samiksha Sehrawat
Initially, medical arrangements for Indian troops in France and England were poo…
Regional Thematic
Historiography 1918-Today (India)
By Florian Stadtler
This article details the historiography of South Asian involvement in the First …
Regional Thematic
Indochinese Workers in France (Indochina)
By Kimloan Vu-Hill
About 49,000 Vietnamese workers went to France during World War I. Although thei…
Regional Thematic
Labour (India)
By Radhika Singha
Of the 1.4 million Indians recruited for the First World War, some 563,369 were …
Regional Thematic
Literature (India)
By Santanu Das
In spite of the global turn in First World War historiography, the colour of the…
Regional Thematic
Making Sense of the War (India)
By Claude Markovits
Although India was not a theatre of war, World War I produced a major inflexion …
Regional Thematic
Military Planning and Wartime Recruitment (India)
By David Omissi
In 1914, the Indian army was a modest colonial force of 159,134 serving Indian t…
Regional Thematic
Post-war Societies (India)
By Sumit Sarkar
The decades between the two world wars seethed with tumultuous and momentous eve…
Regional Thematic
Press/Journalism (India)
By Andrew Tait Jarboe
India hosted a vibrant and active wartime press: one that while generally suppor…
Regional Thematic
Prisoners of War (India)
By Heike Liebau
During the First World War South Asian combatants and non-combatants were taken …
Regional Thematic
Religious Missionaries and the Colonial State (Indochina)
By Charles Keith
The Great War helped to ease the Church-state tensions that had shaped French po…
Regional Thematic
Responses to the War (India)
By Santanu Das
Responses to the war in British India (comprising today’s India, Pakistan, Bangl…
Regional Thematic
Revolutionary Networks (India)
By Gajendra Singh
Revolutionary movements in India haunted the imagination of post-war British off…
Regional Thematic
Sepoy Letters (India)
By David Omissi
Indian soldiers were sent to Europe in 1914, and some of them were to serve ther…
Regional Thematic
Social Conflict and Control, Protest and Repression (Indochina)
By Patrice Morlat
Vietnamese resistance to French colonial rule had begun before the war and conti…
Regional Thematic
Warfare 1914-1918 (India)
By George Morton-Jack
This article reconsiders the military role and performance of the British Empire…
Regional Thematic
War Losses (India)
By Andrew Tait Jarboe
Some 1.5 million Indians served in the Indian Army during World War I and, of th…
Regional Thematic
Women's Mobilization for War (India)
By Santanu Das
This article recovers the wartime experiences, writings, and songs of women from…

Encyclopedic Entries

Amritsar, Massacre of
By Gajendra Singh
This entry explains the Amritsar Massacre of 13 April 1919. It charts the events…
Berlin Indian Independence Committee
By Heike Liebau
During the First World War, Berlin became an organisational hub for Indian natio…
Besant, Annie
By Maria Framke
Annie Besant (1847-1933) was a British supporter of Indian nationalism. During W…
Chattopadhyaya, Virendranath
By Heike Liebau
Virendranath Chattopadhyaya belonged to the transnational networks of Indian pol…
Dayal, Har
By Sunit Singh
Har Dayal was one of the chief architects of a quixotically sketched blueprint t…
By Erez Manela
World War I was not simply a conflict among European states but a global war of …
Ghadar Conspiracy
By Sunit Singh
Although sometimes characterized as a quixotically hatched scheme to overthrow B…
By Gajendra Singh
This entry historicizes myths of the Gurkha in contemporary Britain, India and N…
Hindostan (newspaper)
By Heike Liebau
Hindostan was a propaganda periodical for South Asian prisoners of war in the so…
Hồ Chí Minh
By Pierre Brocheux
The Great War had a decisive influence on Hồ Chí Minh. In France, his acquaintan…
Howell, Evelyn Berkeley, Sir
By Gajendra Singh
Evelyn Berkeley Howell was appointed Chief Censor of Indian military corresponde…
Indian Expeditionary Force
By Claude Markovits
An Indian Expeditionary Force was sent to France and Belgium in September 1914 a…
Indian Labour Corps
By Radhika Singha
By December 1919, India had raised a total of 877,068 combatants and 563,369 non…
Khilafat Movement
By Gail Minault
The Khilafat movement was an agitation by Indian Muslims, allied with Indian nat…
By Florian Stadtler, Rozina Visram
Lascar seamen and other sailors from the British Empire were deployed on vessels…
Martial Races, Theory of
By Heike Liebau
The notion of “martial races” was formally developed and codified in the wake of…
Portuguese India
By Célia Reis
Although not directly involved in military operations, Portuguese India was link…
Portuguese Timor
By Célia Reis
The Portuguese territory of Timor was affected by the war mainly because of its …
Punjab Disturbances 1919
By Ahmad Azhar
This entry revisits the political upheavals that swept across several towns and …
Townshend, Charles Vere Ferrers, Sir
By Justin Fantauzzo
Sir Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend commanded the 6th (Poona) Division in Mesopot…
War Poetry
By Jane Potter
This article examines the concept of war poetry and considers the range of poeti…
Wilsonian Moment
By Erez Manela
The wake of the Great War saw mobilizations against empire across the world, wit…

See Also

Alliance System 1914
By Günther Kronenbitter
Alliances were an important feature of the international system on the eve of Wo…
Bereavement and Mourning
By Manfred Hettling, Tino Schölz
In the modern era, new forms of mourning and meaning-making for fallen soldiers …
Colonial Empires after the War/Decolonization
By James E. Kitchen
The First World War saw the colonial empires of France and Britain mobilised to …
Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen
By Stéphane Tison
The First World War ushered in an unprecedented wave of commemorations. Mass dea…
By Gearóid Barry
The end of fighting in 1918 raised hopes for swift and equitable military demobi…
Destruction of the Ecosystem
By Tait Keller
This article examines the First World War’s ecological impact and shows that pro…
Extra-European Theatres of War
By Michelle Moyd
The extra-European theatres of World War I have received far less scholarly atte…
Health, Disease, Mortality; Demographic Effects
By Doina Anca Cretu
The rapid spread of epidemics ravaged military personnel and civilians in and ou…
Influenza Pandemic
By Howard Phillips
By examining the origins, pathways, demographic impact and consequences for the …
Non-European Soldiers
By Richard Fogarty, Andrew Tait Jarboe
This article examines the use by Great Britain and France of colonial subjects f…
Post-war Economies
By Dietmar Rothermund
Post-war economies were beset with problems, ultimately leading to the Great Dep…
Raw Materials
By Pierre Chancerel
Raw materials were vital during the First World War. Due to the armaments produc…
Rural Society
By Matteo Ermacora
The paper describes the impact of war on peasantry and its mobilisation in the w…
Sea Transport and Supply
By Michael B. Miller
Allied capacity at sea to sustain global transport and supply determined their a…
The Paris Peace Conference and its Consequences
By Alan Sharp
This article offers an overview of peacemaking after the First World War from th…
Women’s Mobilization for War
By Susan R. Grayzel
This article explores women’s economic, social, and political responses to the F…

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