In the modern era, new forms of mourning and meaning-making for fallen soldiers …
340 Results
Survey Articles (Thematic)
Mass conscription recast relationships in families, raised minors’ potential as …
This article deals with civilian morale during the First World War. Between 1915…
Cultural approaches to the Great War have played a key part in the renewal of Fi…
By Birgitta Bader-Zaar
The idea that World War I was a watershed in gender relations has pervaded both …
During the First World War, food became a major issue for military and civilian …
The rapid spread of epidemics ravaged military personnel and civilians in and ou…
Hospitals framed and configured the convalescence of wounded and sick soldiers d…
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919, establishing both the Leagu…
Across the major belligerent powers, industrial production and the mobilization …
This article compares the history of labour movements during the war across a ra…
There is an ongoing debate among historians whether the First World War did in f…
Change and continuity marked belligerent societies’ norms and values during the …
The First World War was a global conflict that caught most of the participants i…
This article explores the policies adopted and implemented against enemy propert…
Raw materials were vital during the First World War. Due to the armaments produc…
National Red Cross societies played a very important role in the First World War…
From the cradle to the grave, popular religion formed a necessary and vital, if …
The paper describes the impact of war on peasantry and its mobilisation in the w…
The military service of teachers and the mobilization of schoolchildren for volu…
Wartime science and technology developed in the context of the Second Industrial…
Allied capacity at sea to sustain global transport and supply determined their a…
This article provides an international overview of the history of sexuality in t…
This article deals with the nature of social conflict during the war. The length…
This article explores how the anticipation, reality, and memory of sacrifice inf…
From 1914 to 1918, theatres in all major European cities staged plays – comedies…
A vast array of initiatives designed to counteract the destructiveness of the Fi…
Reflecting current historiography, this article focuses primarily on Christian c…
This essay examines how the "everyday" functions in war, not only for those on t…
Regardless of whether it was based on volunteer enlistment or conscription, mass…
The Great War witnessed mass armies battling with modern, quick-firing weapons s…
Cities — with their comparatively large and dense but also vulnerable population…
This essay traces belligerent policies toward venereal disease (VD) on the fight…
The Great War required war-making states to mobilize and sustain the financial r…
There are in the literature on the economic history of the Great War different a…
In nations where literacy was well-established by 1914, letter-writing was criti…
Through investigating the pivotal role of honour in private and public matters, …
This article explores women’s economic, social, and political responses to the F…
Regional Thematic Articles
Between 1914 and 1918, between 150,000 and 200,000 Africans traveled to Europe t…
This article examines bereavement and mourning practices among African families …
World War I claimed the lives of approximately 60,000 Belgian civilians and sold…
Regional Thematic
By Rémi Dalisson, Elise Julien
War victims left a huge vacuum both for their kin and society, which showed sign…
Bereavement was a central element of Germany’s experience in World War One. The …
This article provides a synthesis of research on bereavement and mourning in Bri…
This article examines bereavement and mourning in New Zealand during the First W…
This article explores bereavement and mourning in the post-war Middle East with …
This paper shows the transformation and subsequent preservation of Russian funer…
The Great War impacted the lives of almost every family in South East Europe. Un…
This article explains the ways that the United States mourned and remembered its…
The Great War was unique in that it provoked an immediate, massive effort to mob…
In Italy, as in all the belligerent countries, the First World War fully involve…
Regional Thematic
By Nazan Maksudyan
Ottoman children were not simply passive victims or casualties; they were engage…
A government-appointed civilian organization, the Newfoundland Patriotic Associa…
When World War I broke out, the military conquest of the countries located betwe…
Regional Thematic
By Melanie Schulze-Tanielian
From 1914-1918 infectious diseases, such as typhus, recurrent fever, dysentery, …
In recent years, the number of studies on the Portuguese First Republican experi…
This article provides a succinct overview of the impact of the war on the econom…
This paper analyzes population movements to and from Spain during World War One,…
Migration to and from Sweden has always occurred, but since emigration was large…
This article analyses Swiss migration policy and Switzerland’s role as a country…
About a million Belgian civilians fled to the Netherlands at the beginning of th…
The mobile nature of the war in Africa meant supplying the forces with food was …
Food grown and produced in Australia during World War I was used to provision th…
Food became a scarce – and thus decisive – resource for the Habsburg Empire’s wa…
The First World War had a severe impact on the food supply in occupied Belgium. …
The German occupation of the north-western territories of the tsarist empire was…
In times of war, food becomes a major concern in military and civilian matters. …
“Manmade” food shortages arose early in the war on the front line and especially…
The diet of most people in Indochina during World War I was influenced more by c…
During the First World War, the Italian government was unable to establish a rea…
This article examines the central role of food management in the Ottoman Empire …
During the Great War consumers emerged as a new demanding group within European …
Food and nutrition became a crucial problem in wartime Russia. This problem may …
In 1917, with tens of thousands of Canadian soldiers killed and wounded, the end…
Regional Thematic
By Wessel Pretorius Visser
In South Africa the period between 1914 and 1918 was one of intense political an…
Initially, medical arrangements for Indian troops in France and England were poo…
During the war and immediate post-war years, Danish individuals and institutions…
Compared to Sweden and Denmark, the humanitarian contribution by the Norwegian R…
Despite Spain’s official position of neutrality during the First World War, Span…
This article offers an overview of Swedish transnational humanitarianism from 19…
During the First World War, the neutral Dutch were involved in humanitarian ende…
About 49,000 Vietnamese workers went to France during World War I. Although thei…
This article seeks to analyze how the International Committee of the Red Cross (…
The German Reich fell short of integrating representatives of the workers into i…
The standard of living of Belgian workers declined in the First World War as a c…
This essay studies Chinese workers on the Western Front during the First World W…
French mobilization during the First World War created new industrial needs and …
Of the 1.4 million Indians recruited for the First World War, some 563,369 were …
Regional Thematic
By Yiğit Akin, Elizabeth Thompson
As in other belligerent societies, the Great War forced fundamental change in th…
Regional Thematic
By Jakub Beneš
The First World War was a period of repression and severe privation in Austria-H…
Regional Thematic
By Chris Wrigley
The wartime demand for labour enhanced its economic and political strength. Indu…
This article analyzes changes provoked by the war within the world of industrial…
Regional Thematic
By Christian Koller
This article analyses the development of the Swiss labour movement and working-c…
During the First World War, revolutionary changes occurred in the labour movemen…
Regional Thematic
By Galit Haddad
This article examines the institutional shake-up of the French labour movement d…
Regional Thematic
By Klaus Weinhauer
The First World War and the subsequent years saw a plethora of strikes, protests…
The First World War caused great upheavals within the Australian labour movement…
The First World War had a decisive, but paradoxical impact on the development of…
Canadian labour’s position at the beginning of the First World War was weak in r…
Latin America experienced massive social unrest during the war years. The disast…
This article focuses on the interaction between the development of industrial so…
This article outlines the development of the labour movement in Russia from the …
Wartime mobilization in the United States involved supportive federal government…
This article describes the main characteristics of Portuguese production structu…
This essay surveys the issue of Russian labor during the First World War. It sum…
The outbreak of war in 1914 resulted in an unprecedented influx of foreign citiz…
The Danish minority in North Schleswig in northern Germany (Sønderjylland in Dan…
The Ottoman Empire was the most religiously diverse empire in Europe and Asia. M…
Recent research has questioned the view that that the population of Austria-Hung…
This article provides a brief overview of the contribution of African economies …
Regional Thematic
By Jelena Rafailović
This article presents the main characteristics of organization and functioning o…
The First World War was a major negative shock for the Australian economy. Austr…
This article describes the structure and development of the Austro-Hungarian war…
As it became clear that the war would last a long time, the German occupying adm…
In France, a mixed economy was gradually set up during the war due to multiple f…
This article examines the transformation from a peace- to wartime economy in the…
The First World War had a profound and longstanding effect upon the British econ…
Regional Thematic
By Piero Di Girolamo
Industrial mobilisation in Italy during the first World War took on particular c…
This article describes the Ottoman WWI war economy in light of its similarities …
This article seeks to analyze the organization of Portugal’s wartime economy. It…
The multiple demands of protracted warfare subjected the entire economic system …
Before the beginning of World War I in Europe, the US enjoyed a sizeable industr…
The war radically disrupted the private lives of French families who were practi…
This article focuses on prostitution on the Ottoman home front and the research …
Christian churches in Australia were largely supportive of the war effort, seein…
World War One represented a turning point in the relationship between churches a…
The Great War helped to ease the Church-state tensions that had shaped French po…
This article summarizes the state of knowledge about the role of religions durin…
Responses to the war in British India (comprising today’s India, Pakistan, Bangl…
Although many scientific innovations and technologies came to the continent with…
Australia made a limited contribution to the fields of science and technology du…
Thorough research has been carried out only on some subfields within the history…
The invasion and subsequent occupation of most of Belgian territory paralyzed th…
Canada’s overseas military forces fought in the Great War under British Army com…
During the war years contemporaries already coined phrases like "machine warfare…
This article considers the challenges faced by Britain’s armies, engineers, scie…
This article analyzes the events which occurred in the Italian scientific world …
Despite its image as a “European” war, the First World War exerted a tremendous …
Successfully deploying advances in technology and science was crucial to gaining…
This article focuses on the Portuguese war-related science and technology develo…
Although Russia made considerable progress in the decades preceding 1914, the on…
The United States entered the First World War unprepared to deploy its army on c…
Indian soldiers were sent to Europe in 1914, and some of them were to serve ther…
Despite the rhetoric at the war’s outbreak of how Australia would stand united b…
Regional Thematic
By Maureen Healy, Dana Bronson, Musa Jemal
This essay traces the experience on the plural home fronts of the Habsburg Empir…
Regional Thematic
By Lois Bibbings
This article considers social conflict and protest within the United Kingdom dur…
Vietnamese resistance to French colonial rule had begun before the war and conti…
In the years 1914-1918, Italy was the scene of periodic waves of protest against…
Social protest surged in Japan during World War I. Labor strikes, union organizi…
New Zealand was a very loyal British dominion. At the outbreak of the First Worl…
Regional Thematic
By Joana Dias Pereira
This article analyses the evolution of the repertoire of collective action durin…
Regional Thematic
By Michael S. Melancon
This essay analyzes social conflict in the Russian Empire during the Great War. …
The United States Congress passed the Espionage Act on 15 June 1917. The Act all…
The workers were the primary instigators of social strife in Latin America durin…
This article assesses the place of shell shock in the subjective experience of B…
This article describes the business development and the opportunities and risks …
The Spanish church identified with Pope Benedict XV’s efforts in favour of neutr…
The social, political, and economic significance of Newfoundland’s dominant indu…
No British government had ever formed or provided for an army of the size requir…
This article provides a brief overview of the financial contribution of the Afri…
Throughout the First World War, there were significant new developments in the C…
The article presents a new estimate of the war costs and an overview of war fina…
The Belgian monetary system evolved dramatically during World War I. The Société…
Though it entered war with an already important public debt, France managed its …
German finance policy during the First World War has been described as ineffecti…
While Britain financed the war successfully doing so exacted a toll. To meet war…
Setting out from the fundamental variables of the Italian economy and finances o…
The majority of Japan’s direct war expenditures during World War I were spent fr…
From a financial point of view, the Ottoman entry into World War I was both impo…
Portugal financed the extraordinary expenditures of the First World War in the s…
World War I was financially ruinous for the Russian government. Its decision to …
Despite the high rates of illiteracy in Italy on the eve of the war, the conflic…
From 1914 to 1918, moving from peak to trough, Danish GDP per capita dropped by …
Although the military and geopolitical relevance of World War I to Japan must be…
Regional Thematic
By Andrés Sánchez Picón, José Joaquín García Gómez
This article focuses on the impact of the First World War on the economy of neut…
World War I had devastating effects on many European economies. Even a neutral c…
Though Switzerland was not conquered, its economy was strongly affected by the F…
Mutual dependence between the Dutch economy and Western German industrial centre…
The pivotal policy aspect for the Danish government during the First World War w…
This article focuses on the short- and long-term impact of the First World War o…
A certain consensus exists in Spanish historiography regarding the First World W…
The First World War and its aftermath had a profound and enduring impact on Swed…
The Dutch were not just passive bystanders of the war. They reflected on the nat…
This article explores the war’s impact on women’s economic and legal status in S…
Australian women, although 20,000 kilometres away from the major war zones, were…
Canadian women responded to and experienced the Great War in ways ranging from p…
This article argues that the mobilisation of women in the German empire between …
Belgium experienced the war in an exceptional position: it never issued a declar…
In France, the mobilisation of women followed two parallel movements. One of the…
This article briefly surveys the impact of the First World War on the lives of B…
This article recovers the wartime experiences, writings, and songs of women from…
The departure of millions of men for the front created unprecedented areas of ac…
During the First World War, Newfoundland women provided comforts and nursing ser…
New Zealand women became enmeshed in the Great War from its outset. Appealed to …
The Ottoman mobilization of manpower in August 1914 not only involved men being …
The participation of Portugal in the First World War opened up a very important …
As a total war, the First World War precipitated the involvement of thousands of…
This article presents the role of women in South East Europe during World War I …
Many American women claimed a more complete female citizenship through voluntary…
Encyclopedic Entries
Jane Addams co-founded Hull House, the most famous of America’s 400 social settl…
Alsace-Lorraine was a border region located between the Rhine River and the Vosg…
This article focuses on the function of the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul du…
Austrian and Hungarian citizens working in war-related industries were exempt fr…
Albert Ballin, chief executive of the Hamburg-America Line, was one of Imperial …
At the beginning of World War I, Bernard Baruch was one of the most famous Wall …
The Great War was a severe trial for Belarus and its population. It ruined the l…
Annie Besant (1847-1933) was a British supporter of Indian nationalism. During W…
Italian bishops and chaplains played a central role in making sense of the war b…
Elsa Brändström was the only neutral representative to work amongst prisoners of…
Brazil was the only South American country that participated actively in the Fir…
Vera Brittain’s memoir Testament of Youth, and her wartime diary published in 19…
The Belgian capital was spared the anguish of combat, but the city suffered four…
During the First World War, the Bureau of Investigation, a division of the U.S. …
In late 1916, the Armenian and Syrian Relief Committee arranged for supplies to …
Since ancient times, carrier pigeons have been used successfully in various arme…
Edith Cavell was an English nursing matron executed by the Germans in Brussels o…
Alexis-Armand Charost was bishop of Lille and a key notable during the occupatio…
Chetnik is a common name for a member of the auxiliary or paramilitary units us…
During the war, the Tsarist government imported large groups of Chinese to the R…
In a conflict characterized as a Holy War between “right” and “might”, the suppo…
Before World War I, coffee had become a popular drink in countries in the northe…
The Comité national de Secours et d’Alimentation (National Committee for Relief …
From 1914 to 1919, the Commission for Relief in Belgium directed an innovative a…
The persecution committed during the Great War by the Committee of Union and Pro…
This article analyzes the characteristics of Portuguese emigration to France and…
The First World War, the Russian revolutions of February and October 1917, and t…
Before the war, Ethiopia had many diplomatic connections with European states an…
A minority section of the women’s movements opposed World War I and organized th…
Raymond Blaine Fosdick served as the Chairman for the Commission on Training Cam…
German-speaking elites in Brazil were traditionally in contact with German colon…
During the First World War Britain became gripped with a Germanophobic hatred in…
Haber was one of the most important German chemists. He won the Nobel Prize in C…
Magnus Hirschfeld was one of the most important sexual scientists and reformers …
This article is about the career of Heinrich Leonhard Emanuel von Hoff under the…
An international banking and brokerage house, J. P. Morgan & Company came to wor…
Elias Hoyek was Patriarch of Antioch for the Maronites. He is considered to be o…
The Spanish flu, the heaviest influenza pandemic in history, coincided with the …
During the invasion and occupation of 1914-1918, German soldiers had sexual rela…
During the First World War, mobilizing Muslim soldiers and Islamic institutions …
Germanos Karavangelis was the most radical proponent of Greek nationalism among …
The sailors’ mutiny in Kiel quickly escalated into an open rebellion against the…
This article details the mutiny of two Russian brigades sent to France in World …
From 12 to 14 November 1918, a national general strike took place in Switzerland…
Lascar seamen and other sailors from the British Empire were deployed on vessels…
In World War I Lemberg (German: Lemberg, Ukrainian: Lviv, Polish: Lwów) played a…
The institution of wartime pen pals to assist isolated soldiers who were unable …
The First World War represents the apex of the ideal of the male warrior hero. B…
After his pastoral letter Patriotisme et endurance, which had a worldwide impact…
In 1915 the Italian government created an agency called Mobilitazione Industrial…
Near East Relief was formed in 1915 to address the catastrophic humanitarian con…
During the First World War, the Netherlands Oversea Trust Company acted as a cle…
Nicaragua’s experience during the First World War was influenced by the geopolit…
Until 1914 natural nitrates were the most important source for the production of…
The First World War transformed the nursing profession. The necessity to treat l…
The violation of Luxembourg’s neutrality started with the invasion on 1 August 1…
The Oltener Aktionskomitee was elected in February 1918 by the committee of the …
In 1912, the 1916 Olympic Games were awarded to Berlin. In consultation with the…
The 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium were the first instalment of the Game…
This article focuses on the efforts of the Italian government and certain instit…
Civilians under military occupation in World War One found their existences seve…
In World War I, the mobility of troops was of major strategic importance. New tr…
Accused of refusing to collaborate with the German authorities, the Belgian hist…
Much of the reign of Pope Benedict XV was dominated by the First World War. Pope…
During World War I, sport competitions became very popular amongst the soldiers …
Prostitution was considered among the most important societal problems facing ci…
Though of minimal significance for Japan militarily, the Great War helped stimul…
During the first half of the war, many German cities tried to solve local food s…
Vast land area, sparse population density, inconsistent tsarist policy, and unde…
One of the central problems nations faced during the war was procuring necessary…
The rear area was the space behind the front, linking the operational zone with …
The Red Crescent is one of two symbols of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movemen…
During World War I, about 1.1 million refugees sought refuge in the interior of …
In Belgium, the outbreak of the First World War and subsequent German invasion c…
During World War I, about 2 million French citizens had to leave their homes, du…
German and Austrian advances in 1914 and 1915, together with policies of the Rus…
A pacifist writer, Romain Rolland was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1…
During World War I, motor vehicles took on a key role as transport facilities fo…
Said Nursi was a prominent Kurdish intellectual. He fervently supported constitu…
In 1914, quick-firing field artillery could fire more shells than domestic indus…
During the First World War, governments, civilians and soldiers alike prized smo…
Industrial tycoon and philanthropist Ernest Solvay transformed the chemical indu…
Werner Sombart was a German political economist and pioneering sociologist who b…
Spy Fever describes an anxiety or paranoia that enemy spies might be active with…
This article briefly introduces the suffragettes and their campaign, reflecting …
The Syrian Protestant College (after 1920, the American University of Beirut) wa…
Battle of the Somme was a feature-length British documentary film, released in …
Greece’s Long Great War witnessed the mobilization of its young women as caretak…
The Unions of Zemstvos and of Towns mobilised local self-government bodies and p…
During the war, the Germans created a Flemish university in Ghent. By doing so, …
While the United States remained a neutral power up to April 1917, American volu…
Comics played a very important role in the total mobilization in Italy. Firstly …
The War Archives (Kriegsarchiv), centre of the official historiography of the Im…
The governments of all belligerent countries issued special loans to finance the…
Like the other warring nations, the United States had to organize its industries…
War Industry Committees were an attempt by Russian industrialists to mobilise th…
The War Press Office, or Kriegspressequartier (KPQ) was the central propaganda i…
As a long-lasting industrial war, the Great War led to the realization of consid…
In the First World War, war toys were regarded as a means to strengthen children…
One third of the 9.7 million soldiers killed or declared missing during the Grea…
As an adviser in the imperial office of the treasury (1916-1918), the Heidelberg…
Witkop was professor of German literature at the University of Freiburg. He was …
In the context of the Swiss organisation Schweizer Verband Soldatenwohl Else Spi…
See Also
Since 1905 Britain had paid the Afghan ruler, Amir Habibullah, a subsidy and had…
Though largely understudied to date, the regions in the western Balkans inhabite…
The impact of the First World War on Australia was so profound that its memory d…
The article surveys the social and military history of Austria-Hungary during th…
This article presents a survey of the First World War in the region of today’s s…
Belgium, a neutral state, was forced into the First World War by a German ultima…
From 1912 to 1918 Bulgaria engaged in a prolonged conflict that began in victory…
Burma’s participation in World War I was limited mainly to the provision of troo…
The Dominion of Canada automatically went to war in August 1914 when Britain did…
This article discusses China’s role in the First World War with a focus on the c…
With its economy highly reliant on Great Britain, Germany and other European nat…
Egypt played an important role in World War I. Although it saw limited combat op…
To study France during the “Great War” – as it was called as early as 1914 – inv…
When war broke out, in light of increasingly inflexible constellations and allia…
Great Britain was with its Empire the most powerful of the major belligerents, t…
Ireland’s war experience cannot be separated from Irish politics. Indeed, the st…
When the First World War broke out in Europe, Latin Americans of all social stra…
Despite its neutrality, Luxembourg was occupied in August 1914, mainly for its s…
Blockades, part of economic warfare, had been employed throughout history. The A…
Newfoundland entered the Great War with great enthusiasm, but was unprepared for…
New Zealand was the British Dominion furthest from the conflict in Europe, the M…
The Ottoman and European colonial contexts are the necessary background for unde…
Norway managed to stay neutral during the First World War, but the war still cre…
During the Great War, the Ottoman Empire fought on several major and minor front…
The outbreak of the First World War coincided with a period in Persian history w…
This paper presents the process of building an independent Polish state during t…
Portugal’s participation in the First World War was depicted by its supporters a…
World War I afforded the first opportunity for modern Romania to participate in …
The Russian Empire entered the war in order to preserve its Great Power status, …
A short synthesis on Serbia's role and experience in the Great War encompasses s…
Siam (Thailand) declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary in mid-1917. In 1918…
The people of Southern Africa experienced the First World War as a continuation …
This article examines Spain’s neutrality during the Great War, highlighting fact…
For Sweden, the impact of the war was twofold. On the one hand, it was a test to…
As a neutral country, Switzerland was not involved in the devastating military c…
In 1914, the Union of South Africa was four years old; its military only two. Br…
The American debate over neutrality ended when Woodrow Wilson decided in April 1…