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  • Last updated 19th December 2014

Germanophobia (Great Britain)

During the First World War Britain became gripped with a Germanophobic hatred in which both government and the press played a central role. This hatred impacted the German community that lived within Britain as well as other representations of the enemy within the country.


During the course of the 19th century Britons developed complex views of Germany, which became increasingly negative as the First World approached, epitomised by the rise of spy-fever and the birth of the spy novel.1 However, following the outbreak of war, the hatred of the “Hun” reached new levels, as Britons learnt to hate,2 perhaps for the first time, as their country crossed a threshold in its national consciousness and developed a unity in which the German became the antithesis of British values.3

Wartime Hatred

British propaganda, both official and unofficial, played a central role in the development of the negative image of the outsider. This representation constructed the Germans as brutes and economic rivals in particular,4 a process in which academics played a role.5 While the latter fear had begun to develop before 1914, the former took off following the German invasion of Belgium and, even more so after the sinking of the Lusitania, when newspapers carried headlines such as, “No Compromise with a Race of Savages” and “The Branded Race”.6 Against this background, spy-fever and spy novels also developed and played a large role in the hatred of Germany.7

Apart from the peddling of images of the “evil Hun”, Germanophobia had more concrete consequences. In the first place, it resulted in an avoidance of all things German. For example, the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts at the Albert Hall tried to ban German music, although this became unsustainable because of the impact on the classical repertoire. Meanwhile, at the end of the Great War, Leicester City Council changed the names of a series of streets in the Highfields area of the city named after the family of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain (1819-1901) and her husband Albert, Prince Consort, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain (1819-1861), with Saxe-Coburg Street becoming Saxby Street and Mecklenburg Street renamed Severn Street.8

At the same time, the British Empire, in common with the other Allied states, launched an economic war against the Germans, which resulted in the confiscation of German property throughout the world, with no recourse to compensation: in fact, the sequestered property contributed towards the reparations payments under the Treaty of Versailles. Images of the German economic Octopus with its tentacles spread all over the world fuelled such actions.9

Those Germans who found themselves living in Britain bore the brunt of the hostility. The spy-fever of the Edwardian period developed into a theory of a “hidden hand” which controlled Britain and prevented victory.10 Anyone with German connections faced hostility, including the Royal Family, which changed its name from Saxe-Coburg to Windsor in 1917.11 The War Secretary Richard Burdon Haldane (1856-1928), found himself hounded out of office at the start of the war because he had once described Germany as his spiritual home and had studied in the country.12 The German born Sir Edgar Speyer (1862-1932), who had helped to build the London underground, left Britain, rather than continue to face hostility.13 More humble Germans faced even worse animosity resulting in a loss of employment. At the same time the Aliens Restriction Act imposed severe restrictions upon movement for Germans and also closed down German clubs. This measure, together with property confiscation, widespread anti-German riots, which peaked following the sinking of the Lusitania in May 1915 when virtually every German owned shop in Britain faced attack, and mass deportation (preceded by deportation of German born males of military age), destroyed the vibrant German community which had emerged in the Victorian and Edwardian years.14


Against this background, the admiration for Germany, which had characterised the Victorian era in particular, disappeared. Germanophilia became impossible because of the press obsession with, and hatred of, all things German, although a few organizations, above all the Society of Friends, did assist both German internees and their families who remained at liberty. At the same time, a few liberal MPs, such as Joseph King (1860-1943) and Josiah Wedgewood (1872-1943), stood up for the Germans in Britain in the House of Commons.15 But these remained lone voices facing the screeching choir of British nationalism whose nationalist ideology fed off the German enemy.

Panikos Panayi, De Montfort University

Section Editor: Catriona Pennell
  1. Panayi, Panikos: German Immigrants in Britain during the Nineteenth Century, Oxford 1995, pp. 201-51.
  2. The phrase “Learning to Hate” is used as the title of Chapter 4 of Paxman, Jeremy: Great Britain’s Great War, London 2013.
  3. Pennell, Catriona: A Kingdom United. Popular Responses to the Outbreak of the First World War in Britain and Ireland, Oxford 2012.
  4. Haste, Cate: Keep the Home Fires Burning, London 1977; Messinger, Gary S.: British Propaganda and the State in the First World War, Manchester 1992.
  5. Wallace, Stuart: War and the Image of Germany. British Academics, 1914-1918, Edinburgh 1988.
  6. Panayi, Panikos: The Enemy in Our Midst. Germans in Britain During the First World War, Oxford 1991, pp. 223-34.
  7. Ibid., pp. 153-62, 223-34.
  8. Highfields, Leicester: Germanophobia Led to of Renaming Streets, issued by the BBC, online: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p022x7b3 (retrieved 11 November 2014).
  9. Panayi, Enemy 1991, pp. 132-49.
  10. Panayi, Panikos: “The Hidden Hand.” British Myths About German Control of Britain During the First World War, Immigrants and Minorities, 7 (1988), pp. 253-72.
  11. Nicolson, Harold: King George V. His Life and Reign, London 1952, pp. 307-10.
  12. Panayi, Enemy 1991, pp. 184-185.
  13. Lentin, Antony: Banker, Traitor, Scapegoat, Spy? The Troublesome Case of Sir Edgar Speyer, London 2013.
  14. Panayi, Enemy 1991, pp. 45-258.
  15. Ibid., pp. 259-91.
Panikos Panayi: Germanophobia (Great Britain), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2014-12-19. DOI: 10.15463/ie1418.10527


An angry mob attacking a German-owned business in East London 1916
Upon reports of the sinking of the Lusitania on 7 May 1915, an outraged crowd breaks into a German-owned store in East London.
Press Agency photographer, May 1915, East London, England.
IWM (HU 52451), http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205086868.

Boycotting German goods
This poster shows German soldiers committing brutal acts during World War One. On the right we see a stylish German businessman. The text informs us that we shouldn’t be deceived by the change in outward appearances: “British Empire Union. Once a German – always a German! 1914 to 1918. Never again! Remember! Every German employed means a British worker idle. Every German article sold means a British article unsold. British Empire Union: 346 Strand, London, W.C.2.”
Wilson, David: Once a German, Always a German, color poster, London, 1918; source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, cph 3g11170, http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2003675256/.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Supporting British products and jobs
This poster encourages the public to support Britain’s economy. The title reads: “Help him back to Civil Life”. The illustration shows a British soldier laden with packs standing on a road. In the background we see several factories. The poster was originally printed on the 24 June 1916 in the advertisement columns of The Times.
Unknown artist: Help him back to civil life, lithograph poster, London, 1916; source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, cph 3g11171, http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2003675255/.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress.

‘The Germans have stripped and insulted British prisoners’ poster
This recruitment poster describes cruel treatment of British prisoners by Germans, some of whom were “[shot] in cold blood”. The public are entreated to punish the Germans: “Take up the sword of justice. Enlist to-day.”
Unknown artist, June 1915, Great Britain.
IWM (Art.IWM PST 5034), http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/28352.

“Britain’s Battle for Freedom” poster
This British propaganda poster from 1915 advocates enlisting in order to “punish the Germans for their barbarous treatment of unoffending civilian populations”. This refers to the German invasion of Belgium, which the influential Bryce Report of 1915 described as particularly brutal.
Unknown artist, January 1915, Great Britain.
IWM (Art.IWM PST 11617), http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/30413.

A good riddance, caricature
George V is shown sweeping up several crowns, with a stern look on his face. The words “Made in Germany” appear in the cloud of dust. This cartoon refers to the king’s decision to abolish the German titles of the royal family and rename the royal house, then called “Saxe-Coberg-Gotha”, to “Windsor”.
Raven-Hill, Leonard: A Good Riddance, caricature, in: Punch, or the London Charivari, 27 June 1917, p. 411; source: Internet Archive, https://archive.org/stream/punchvol152a153lemouoft#page/410.
Courtesy of Robarts Library, University of Toronto.