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Movement of National Defence (Greece)

The Movement of National Defence was an organisation of Venizelist army officers and politicians who rose up against the royalist government in Athens in August 1916. They established a separate Provisional Government of National Defence in Thessaloniki under the leadership of Eleutherios Venizelos.


The Movement of National Defence was an organisation of Venizelist army officers and politicians who rose up against the royalist government in Athens in August 1916. They established a separate Provisional Government of National Defence in Thessaloniki under the leadership of ex-Prime Minister Eleutherios Venizelos (1864-1936).

The rise of the Movement

Venizelist army officers proceeded to set up the Provisional Government of National Defence in Thessaloniki. This was a defining moment in the development of the National Schism (Ethnikos Dihasmos) in Greece, which had begun in 1915 after Constantine I, King of Greece (1868-1923) refused to support the then Prime Minister Venizelos in his policy of entering the war to fight alongside the Entente.

Since October 1915, Constantine had controlled the Greek government, imposing a neutralist policy, while Greek territorial integrity in Greek Macedonia was repeatedly violated by both the Allied Armée d’Orient (primarily composed of the French, the British and their colonial forces, as well as remnants of the Serbian Army and smaller Russian and Italian units) and the Bulgarian army. Furthermore, Greece’s violation of the Greek-Serbian Alliance Treaty of 1913, as well as her failure to comply with the Entente’s demands, had effectively abolished her sovereignty in Macedonia, where the presence of Serbian and Allied troops had renewed propagandist activity over the future status of the region and in particular of Thessaloniki.

The Bulgarian advance in eastern Macedonia in May 1916 and the eventual capitulation (without any resistance) of both the Greek town of Kavalla and the Greek IV Army Corps in September 1916 outraged many Greeks, especially among the army ranks. A group of Venizelist officers decided to act immediately in order to restore Greece’s prestige and part of her sovereignty in Macedonia. On 30 August 1916 they rose up in Thessaloniki, despite Venizelos’ own reservations. After a brief clash with troops loyal to the king, they managed to take control of the city, thanks to assistance from Allied Commander in Chief Maurice Sarrail (1856-1929). Soon Venizelos, persuaded by French politicians and by Constantine’s strict adherence to his neutrality policy, decided to lead the Movement and on 26 September 1916 he formed the Provisional Government, headed by a Triumvirate (Triandria) made up of himself, General Panagiotis Danglis (1853-1924) and Admiral Pavlos Koundouriotis (1855-1935). Over the next few months and with the Allies’ help, the Provisional Government managed to take control of northern Greece, Crete and the Aegean Islands, and presented itself as an alternative to the king’s power.

National Defence’s Initiatives

Indeed, quite a few members of the National Defence did not conceal their antidynastic and republican leanings, causing embarrassment both to Venizelos and the Great Powers – especially Italy, Britain and, up until the February Revolution, Russia. The distribution of land and the language reforms (including the introduction of modern vernacular Greek in the primary schools, replacing the artificial, archaic Katharevousa) pushed through by the Provisional Government seemed to confirm its radical character. In order to dispel such concerns, Venizelos soon made it clear that the Movement’s objectives were to build up an army in order to recover the recently lost territories and fulfil its alliance obligations to Serbia, not to change the political regime or the monarchy. These assurances convinced the Entente to recognise the Provisional Government de facto (although not de jure) and to provide it with a loan and military material to set up an army. The Provisional Government declared war on Germany and Bulgaria on 24 November 1916, though not on Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire – in the latter case because it did not want to provoke any retaliatory or oppressive moves against the Greek population in Asia Minor.

The formation of an army that would fight alongside the Allied forces proved to be a difficult task. This was due first to the Entente’s reluctance to offer full support to the National Defence and second to a disinclination of Greek Macedonian inhabitants to enrol in the army: a sizable number were either Muslims, Jews or of Slav origin, and did not share Venizelos’ national aspirations; others remained loyal to King Constantine; and others were simply unwilling to endure the ordeal of war. Even so, by June 1917 the National Defence force numbered approximately 60,000 men and career or reserve officers. The Provisional Government of National Defence disbanded in June 1917 and Greece was reunited when Constantine was expelled by the Entente forces and Venizelos returned to power as Prime Minister. These troops participated in minor military operations until May 1918, when they played a significant role in the battle of Skra-di-Legen, and then again in September 1918 during the Allied attack that broke the Bulgarian lines and put an end to the war in the Balkans.

Loukianos Hassiotis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Section Editor: Tamara Scheer
Loukianos Hassiotis: Movement of National Defence (Greece), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2014-10-08. DOI: 10.15463/ie1418.10394


Admiral Koundouriotis (1855-1935)
This is a portrait of Admiral Pavlos Koundouriotis, a Greek admiral who became a naval hero during the Balkan Wars and the first and third President of the Second Hellenic Republic.
Agence Rol: Amiral Condouriotis, commandant en chef de la flotte grecque, black-and-white photograph, France, 1912; source: Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Rol 25299, http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b69226003.
This image has been identified as public domain.

Constantine I of Greece and Eleftherios Venizelos, 1913
An illustration from a French periodical of Venizelos and Constantine I during the First Balkan War.
Unknown author: M. Venizelos et le roi Constantin à la veille de la gueere balkanique de 1912, black-and-white drawing, France, 1916; source: Le Miroir Publication hebdomadaire 158, 3 December 1916, p. 14, via Wikimedia Commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:158_14_Constantin_Venizelos.jpg.
This file has been identified as Public Domain Mark 1.0: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.

Constantine I, Venizelos, and General Dousmanis serving together as Greek leadership, c. 1913
This Lithograph illustrates a meeting of the Greek General Headquarters in Hadji-Beylik at the end of the Second Balkan War. From left to right: Chief of Staff Major General Viktor Dousmanis, King Constantine I of Greece, Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos, Lt. Colonel (Engineers) Ioannis Metaxas, Major General Xenofon Stratigos, Captain (Calvalry) St. Staikos, Major (Engineers) Konstantinos Pallis, Major (Infantry) G. Tseroulis.
Papadimitriou, Dimitrios: Greek General Headquarters in Hadji-Beylik, colour lithograph, Greece, c. 1913; source: Wikimedia Commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Greek_GHQ_at_Hadji-Beylik.jpg.
This file has been identified as Public Domain Mark 1.0: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.

1st Battalion of the National Defense Army, 1916
The 1st Battalion of the Army for National Defence is marching en route to the front in Thessaloniki.
Agence Meurisse: A Salonique: le défilé du premier bataillon grec volontaire, black-and-white photograph, France, 1920; source: Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Meurisse 61785, http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b90448205.
This image has been identified as public domain.

Panagiotis Danglis (1853-1924)
Panagiotis Danglis was a Greek general until late 1914, when he left the army and became a politician for Eleutherios Venizelos’ Liberal Party. In 1916 he became one of the three leaders of the Greek “Provisional Government of National Defence” and was appointed commander-in-chief of the Greek Army when Greece joined the war in 1917. After the war, he returned to the parliament.
Agence Rol: Général Danglis, grec [portrait], black-and-white photograph, n.p., 1912; source: Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Rol 25113, http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b6922483p.
This image has been identified as public domain.

Venizelos, General Danglis, and Admiral Koundouriotis 1916
General Panagiotis Danglis and Eleutherios Venizelos, both leaders of the Greek national liberation movement, as well as Admiral Pavlos Koundouriotis, who would later become minister of naval affairs in Venizelos’ Government of National Defence, arrive at Salonika on 9 October 1916 to establish a provisional Greek nationalist government in opposition to King Constantine I.
Ariel Varges, 9 October 1916, Greece.
IWM (Q 32455), http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205091148.

Danglis, Venizelos and Koundouriotis 1916
The triumvirate heading the provisional government is pictured here observing a military presentation in December 1916. General Panagiotis Danglis (with mustache) stands right of the photograph’s center in uniform; Eleftherios Venizelos stands behind him in black overcoat (with a white goatee) and Admiral Pavlos Kontouriotis (with a white mustache) stands directly to the right of Venizelos.
Unknown author: présentation du drapeau des nationalistes à leurs chefs Danglis Venizelos Coundouriotis, black-and-white photograph, n.p., 1916, in: Le Miroir, 17 December 1917, pp. 8-9; source: Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine, via Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gallica, http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6522786h; contributed by Joëlle Beurier.
Courtesy of the Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine.