Beaumont, Joan |
Australasia; Australia
Home Front; Post-war; Power; Pre-war; Violence
Batum, Conference and Treaties of
Balistreri, Alexander E. |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Power |
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
Lerman, Katharine Anne |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Burián von Rajecz, István, Graf
Fried, Marvin Benjamin |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Hungary
Power |
Capello, Luigi
Argenio, Andrea |
Italy; Western Europe
Violence |
Civilian and Military Power
Sondhaus, Lawrence |
Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Hungary; Italy; North America; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe
Power |
Civilian Morale
Ermacora, Matteo |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe
Home Front |
Colonial State Power and Politics (Africa)
Pesek, Michael |
Africa |
Power |
Controversy: Total War
Segesser, Daniel Marc |
Australasia; Australia; Central Europe; East Asia; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Ireland; Italy; Japan; North America; USA; Western Europe
Power |
Corfu Declaration
Foster, Samuel |
South East Europe; Yugoslavia
Power |
Eastern Front
Dowling, Timothy C. |
Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Violence |
Erzberger, Matthias
Dowe, Christopher |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Zollmann, Jakob |
Africa; East and Central Africa
Home Front; Power; Pre-war
Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria
Minkov, Stefan Marinov |
Bulgaria; South East Europe
Power |
Film/Cinema (Ottoman Empire)
Çeliktemel-Thomen, Özde |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Media |
Food and Nutrition
Cronier, Emmanuelle |
Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; USA; Western Europe
Home Front; Violence
German Fatherland Party
Hofmeister, Björn |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Hirschfeld, Gerhard |
Central Europe; Germany
Home Front; Pre-war; Power; Violence
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (China)
Wu, Lin-Chun |
China; East Asia
Power |
Haase, Hugo
Windsor, Tara |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |