Addams, Jane
Badertscher, Kathi |
North America; USA
Home Front |
Albert I, King of the Belgians
Velaers, Jan |
Belgium; Western Europe
Power |
Battisti, Cesare
Saltori, Mirko |
Italy; Western Europe
Power; Violence
Bäumer, Gertrud
Schaser, Angelika |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Bereavement and Mourning
Hettling, Manfred; Schölz, Tino
Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada; Central Europe; China; Czechoslovakia; East Asia; Eastern Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Greece; Hungary; Japan; Korea; Lithuania; Middle East; New Zealand; North America; Ottoman Empire; Poland; Portugal; Russian Empire; South and South East Asia; South East Europe; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe
Home Front |
Bereavement and Mourning (Belgium)
van Ypersele, Laurence |
Belgium; Western Europe
Home Front |
Besant, Annie
Framke, Maria |
Western Europe; India; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; South and South East Asia
Home Front |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Canada)
Smith, Nathan |
Canada; North America
Violence |
Citizenship (Great Britain)
Gullace, Nicoletta F. |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Power |
Controversy: War-related Changes in Gender Relations: The Issue of Women’s Citizenship
Bader-Zaar, Birgitta |
Western Europe; Belgium; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Central Europe; Austria-Hungary; Germany; North America; USA
Home Front |
Feminist Pacifism
Wilmers, Annika |
Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Canada; Central Europe; Denmark; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Hungary; Italy; North America; Norway; Sweden; Switzerland; The Netherlands; USA; Western Europe
Home Front |
Giolitti, Giovanni
Di Scala, Spencer |
Italy; Western Europe
Power |
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Great Britain and Ireland)
Johnson, Matthew |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Ireland; Western Europe
Power |
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (New Zealand)
McAloon, Jim |
Australasia; New Zealand
Power; Pre-war
Historiography 1918-Today (Great Britain)
Mayhew, Alex |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Post-war |
Indigenous Experiences of War (USA)
Voigt, Matthias |
North America; USA
Violence |
Khaki Election 1918
Blaxill, Luke |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Ireland; Western Europe
Post-war; Power
Labour, Labour Movements, Trade Unions and Strikes (Switzerland)
Koller, Christian |
Switzerland; Western Europe
Home Front |
La Fontaine, Henri
Gillen, Jacques |
Belgium; Western Europe
Media; Power; Pre-war
Loppem Coup
Delcorps, Vincent |
Belgium; Western Europe
Post-war |