Baku, Battle of
Murgul, Yalçın |
Azerbaijan; Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Violence |
Barthas, Louis
Cazals, Rémy |
France; Western Europe
Media; Violence
Battisti, Cesare
Saltori, Mirko |
Italy; Western Europe
Power; Violence
Berlin, 9 November 1918
Altenhöner, Florian |
Central Europe; Germany
Violence |
Burgfrieden/Union sacrée
Krumeich, Gerd |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Western Europe
Power |
Centenary (Australia)
Scates, Bruce |
Australasia; Australia
Post-war |
Centenary (Germany)
Pöhlmann, Markus |
Central Europe; Germany
Post-war |
Civilian and Military Power
Sondhaus, Lawrence |
Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Hungary; Italy; North America; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe
Power |
Civilian and Military Power (Australia)
Connor, John |
Australasia; Australia
Power |
Debs, Eugene V.
Anthony, Kyle |
North America; USA
Power |
Domestic Politics and Neutrality (Norway)
Brazier, Eirik |
Norway; Western Europe
Power |
Domestic Politics and Neutrality (Sweden)
Hedén, Anne |
Sweden; Western Europe
Power |
Peeling, Siobhan |
Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Power |
Ebert, Friedrich
Braun, Bernd |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Frank, Ludwig
Panter, Sarah |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Giolitti, Giovanni
Di Scala, Spencer |
Italy; Western Europe
Power |
Governments, Parliaments and Parties
Oppelland, Torsten |
Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Canada; Central Europe; East Asia; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Japan; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; Sweden; USA; Western Europe
Power |
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Australia)
Connor, John |
Australasia; Australia
Power |
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Austria)
Boyer, John W. |
Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe
Power |
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Belgium)
Gerard, Emmanuel |
Belgium; Western Europe
Power |