Art (Australia)
Hutchison, Margaret |
Australasia; Australia
Media |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (New Zealand)
Phillips, Jock |
Australasia; New Zealand
Violence |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Russian Empire)
Astashov, Aleksandr Borisovich |
Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Violence |
Centenary (Computer Games)
Kempshall, Chris |
Western Europe; Belgium; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Italy; Middle East; Ottoman Empire; North America; USA
Post-war; Media
Christmas Truce
Lafon, Alexandre |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Western Europe
Violence |
Ethnic Minorities at War (USA)
Laskin, David |
North America; USA
Violence |
Enzensberger, Alina |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Home Front |
Making Sense of the War (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
Minasidis, Charalampos |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Media |
Propaganda at Home (France)
Ridel, Charles |
France; Western Europe
Media |
Propaganda in the Colonies (Africa)
Orosz, Kenneth J. |
Africa |
Media |
Soldier Newspapers
Nelson, Robert L. |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Media |
Soldiers' Humour
Watson, Alexander |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Media |
Spy Fever 1914
Bischoff, Sebastian |
Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Russian Empire; Western Europe
Home Front |
War Letters (Italy)
Stiaccini, Carlo |
Italy; Western Europe
Home Front |
Wartime Emotions: Honour, Shame, and the Ecstasy of Sacrifice
Frevert, Ute |
Western Europe; Belgium; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Central Europe; Germany; Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Home Front |
Brodie, Thomas |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; East Asia; Eastern Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Japan; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Poland; USA; Western Europe
Power |