Beaumont, Joan |
Australasia; Australia
Home Front; Post-war; Power; Pre-war; Violence
Balfour Declaration
Rhett, Maryanne A. |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Middle East; Ottoman Empire; Western Europe
Power |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Canada)
Smith, Nathan |
Canada; North America
Violence |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Russian Empire)
Astashov, Aleksandr Borisovich |
Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Violence |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (USA)
Gutiérrez, Edward A. |
North America; USA
Violence |
Burgfrieden/Union sacrée
Krumeich, Gerd |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Western Europe
Power |
Granatstein, J. L. |
Canada; North America
Home Front; Post-war; Pre-war; Violence
Centenary (Canada)
Bird, Geoffrey |
Western Europe; North America; Canada
Post-war |
Centenary (Italy)
Bracco, Barbara |
Western Europe; Italy
Post-war |
Children and Childhood (France)
Pignot, Manon |
France; Western Europe
Home Front |
Civilian and Military Power (Austria-Hungary)
Kuprian, Hermann; Goll, Nicole-Melanie
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe
Power |
Civilian and Military Power (Ottoman Empire)
Maksudyan, Nazan |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Power |
Civilian Morale
Ermacora, Matteo |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe
Home Front |
Civil-Military Relations during World War I (Russian Empire)
Porshneva, Olga |
Eastern Europe; Russian Empire
Power; Violence
Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen
Tison, Stéphane |
Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Canada; Central Europe; Czechoslovakia; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; New Zealand; Newfoundland; North America; Russian Empire; Serbia; South and South East Asia; South East Europe; USA; West Africa; Western Europe; Yugoslavia
Post-war |
Domestic Politics and Neutrality (Norway)
Brazier, Eirik |
Norway; Western Europe
Power |
Food and Nutrition
Cronier, Emmanuelle |
Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; USA; Western Europe
Home Front; Violence
German Fatherland Party
Hofmeister, Björn |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Hirschfeld, Gerhard |
Central Europe; Germany
Home Front; Pre-war; Power; Violence
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Australia)
Connor, John |
Australasia; Australia
Power |