Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, Viscount
Kitchen, James E. |
Egypt; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Middle East; Western Europe
Violence |
All Quiet on the Western Front (novel)
Schneider, Thomas |
Central Europe; Germany
Media; Post-war
Attrition Warfare
Murray, Nicholas |
Belgium; Central Europe; France; Germany; Italy; Western Europe
Violence |
Barbed Wire
Krell, Alan |
Africa; East Asia; Eastern Europe; France; Japan; North America; Russian Empire; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe
Violence |
Belgian Soldiers
Simoens, Tom |
Belgium; Western Europe
Violence |
Bereavement and Mourning
Hettling, Manfred; Schölz, Tino
Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada; Central Europe; China; Czechoslovakia; East Asia; Eastern Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Greece; Hungary; Japan; Korea; Lithuania; Middle East; New Zealand; North America; Ottoman Empire; Poland; Portugal; Russian Empire; South and South East Asia; South East Europe; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe
Home Front |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Austria-Hungary)
Lein, Richard |
Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Hungary
Violence |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Canada)
Smith, Nathan |
Canada; North America
Violence |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Germany)
Bruendel, Steffen |
Central Europe; Germany
Violence |
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Great Britain and Ireland)
Meyer, Jessica |
Western Europe; Great Britain and Ireland
Violence |
Caporetto, Battle of
Grillini, Anna |
Italy; Western Europe
Violence |
Centenary (Computer Games)
Kempshall, Chris |
Western Europe; Belgium; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Italy; Middle East; Ottoman Empire; North America; USA
Post-war; Media
Centenary (Italy)
Bracco, Barbara |
Western Europe; Italy
Post-war |
Centenary (Museums)
Brait, Andrea |
Western Europe; Belgium; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Central Europe; Austria-Hungary; Austria; Czechoslovakia; Hungary; Germany; Eastern Europe; Poland; South East Europe; Bulgaria
Post-war; Media
Centenary (New Zealand)
Phillips, Jock; Baird, Kingsley
Australasia; New Zealand
Post-war |
Christmas Truce
Lafon, Alexandre |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Western Europe
Violence |
Civilian and Military Power (Germany)
Grawe, Lukas |
Central Europe; Germany
Power |
Civilian Morale
Ermacora, Matteo |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe
Home Front |
Close Combat Weapons
Pöhlmann, Markus |
Central Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; North America; USA; Western Europe
Violence |
Communication Technology
Bruton, Elizabeth |
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Violence |