28 Results
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Title  Author(s)  Region(s)  Theme(s) 
Abteilung III b Pöhlmann, Markus Central Europe; Germany Violence
Arab Bureau Seikaly, Samir Egypt; Middle East Power
Art (Portugal) Lapa, Pedro Portugal; Western Europe Media
Askerî Bey, Süleymân Fortna, Benjamin C. Middle East; Ottoman Empire Violence
Beatty, David Beatty, Earl Steele, Chuck Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Violence
Bell, Gertrude Shakir, Laith Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Power; Violence
Bureau of Investigation Thomas, William H. North America; USA Home Front; Post-war
Espionage Debruyne, Emmanuel Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Ireland; Italy; North America; Russian Empire; Serbia; South East Europe; The Netherlands; USA; Western Europe Violence
German versus US Intelligence in Latin America Bisher, Jamie Brazil; Chile; Latin America; Mexico; South America Media; Power
Haase, Hugo Windsor, Tara Central Europe; Germany Power
Hervé, Gustave Marcobelli, Elisa France; Western Europe Power
Indochina Thi Liên Trân, Claire Indochina; South and South East Asia
Intelligence and Espionage (Denmark) Bruhn, Kristian Denmark; Western Europe Violence
Intelligence and Espionage (Spain) García Sanz, Carolina Spain; Western Europe Violence
Intelligence and Espionage (Sweden) Agrell, Wilhelm Sweden; Western Europe Violence
Intelligence and Espionage (The Netherlands) Klinkert, Wim The Netherlands; Western Europe Violence
Klabund Pöhlmann, Markus Central Europe; Germany Media
London, Treaty of (1915) Marcuzzi, Stefano Italy; Western Europe Post-war; Power
Making Sense of the War (Norway) Brazier, Eirik Norway; Western Europe Media
Making Sense of the War (USA) Little, Branden North America; USA Media
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