35 Results
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Title  Author(s)  Region(s)  Theme(s) 
Air Warfare (Italy) Caffarena, Fabio Italy; Western Europe Violence
Anzac Memorial, Sydney Wellington, Jennifer Australasia; Australia Post-war
Bereavement and Mourning Hettling, Manfred; Schölz, Tino Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada; Central Europe; China; Czechoslovakia; East Asia; Eastern Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Greece; Hungary; Japan; Korea; Lithuania; Middle East; New Zealand; North America; Ottoman Empire; Poland; Portugal; Russian Empire; South and South East Asia; South East Europe; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe Home Front
Cavell, Edith Louisa Pickles, Katie Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Home Front
Centenary (New Zealand) Phillips, Jock; Baird, Kingsley Australasia; New Zealand Post-war
Centenary (Russia) Nagornaja, Oxana Sergeevna Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Post-war
Centenary (Slovakia) Kšiňan, Michal Central Europe; Austria-Hungary; Czechoslovakia Post-war
Centenary (Thailand) Ruangsilp, Bhawan; Buadaeng, Din South and South East Asia; Siam Post-war
Civilian Morale Ermacora, Matteo Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe Home Front
Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen Tison, Stéphane Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Canada; Central Europe; Czechoslovakia; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; New Zealand; Newfoundland; North America; Russian Empire; Serbia; South and South East Asia; South East Europe; USA; West Africa; Western Europe; Yugoslavia Post-war
Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Germany) Rossol, Nadine Central Europe; Germany Post-war
Fascism and the Radical Right Corni, Gustavo Central Europe; Germany; Italy; Western Europe Post-war
Film/Cinema (Great Britain) Paris, Michael Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Media; Post-war
Film/Cinema (Ottoman Empire) Çeliktemel-Thomen, Özde Middle East; Ottoman Empire Media
Hindenburg, Paul von von der Goltz, Anna Central Europe; Germany Post-war; Power; Violence
Indigenous Experiences of War (USA) Voigt, Matthias North America; USA Violence
Jabotinsky, Vladimir Dubnov, Arie M.; Horowitz, Brian Eastern Europe; Egypt; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Palestine; Russian Empire; Ukraine; USA Power; Violence
Langemarck Myth Grawe, Lukas Central Europe; Germany Violence
Literature (Austria-Hungary) Szczepaniak, Monika Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe Media
Literature (India) Das, Santanu South and South East Asia; India Media
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