143 Results
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Title  Author(s)  Region(s)  Theme(s) 
Amritsar, Massacre of Singh, Gajendra South and South East Asia; India Post-war; Violence
Antisemitism and Pogroms in the Military (Russian Empire) Goldin, Semion Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Violence
Armenia Martirosyan, Tigran Armenia; Middle East Power
Armenian Genocide Suny, Ronald Grigor Armenia; Middle East; Ottoman Empire Violence
Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople Maksudyan, Nazan Middle East; Ottoman Empire Home Front
Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Altintas, Toygun Middle East; Ottoman Empire Power
Atrocities Kramer, Alan Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Middle East; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; Serbia; South East Europe; Ukraine; Western Europe Violence
Austria-Hungary Judson, Pieter M. Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Hungary Home Front; Media; Post-war; Power; Pre-war; Violence
Azmi, Jemal Sigalas, Nikos Middle East; Ottoman Empire Power; Violence
Baku, Battle of Murgul, Yalçın Azerbaijan; Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Violence
Belgium De Schaepdrijver, Sophie Belgium; Western Europe Home Front; Post-war; Power; Violence
Bereavement and Mourning Hettling, Manfred; Schölz, Tino Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada; Central Europe; China; Czechoslovakia; East Asia; Eastern Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Greece; Hungary; Japan; Korea; Lithuania; Middle East; New Zealand; North America; Ottoman Empire; Poland; Portugal; Russian Empire; South and South East Asia; South East Europe; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe Home Front
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Belgium) Spijkerman, Rose Belgium; Western Europe Violence
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Canada) Smith, Nathan Canada; North America Violence
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Germany) Bruendel, Steffen Central Europe; Germany Violence
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Russian Empire) Astashov, Aleksandr Borisovich Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Violence
Bissing, Moritz Ferdinand Freiherr von Roolf, Christoph; Gertzen, Thomas L. Belgium; Central Europe; Germany; Western Europe Power; Violence
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Friedrich Stein, Oliver Central Europe; Germany; Middle East; Ottoman Empire Violence
Caucasus Front Martirosyan, Tigran Middle East; Ottoman Empire Violence
Cavid Bey, Mehmed Ryan, James Middle East; Ottoman Empire Post-war; Power
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