African Labour in Europe (Africa)
Fogarty, Richard |
Africa; East and Central Africa; Egypt; Northern Africa; Union of South Africa; West Africa
Home Front; Power
Barbed Wire
Krell, Alan |
Africa; East Asia; Eastern Europe; France; Japan; North America; Russian Empire; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe
Violence |
Daniels, Josephus
Worthington, Daniel E. |
North America; USA
Power; Violence
Dreadnought, HMS
Abbatiello, John |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Pre-war; Violence
Fisher, John Arbuthnot, Baron Fisher
Seligmann, Matthew S. |
Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Pre-war; Violence
Hong Kong
Kwong, Chi Man |
East Asia; Hong Kong
Life and Death of Soldiers
Meyer, Jessica; Kempshall, Chris; Pöhlmann, Markus
Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; North America; USA; Western Europe
Violence |
Naval Race between Germany and Great Britain, 1898-1912
Bönker, Dirk |
Central Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Power; Pre-war; Violence
Occupation during and after the War (Italy)
Ermacora, Matteo |
Italy; Western Europe
Post-war; Power
Pre-war Military Planning
Seligmann, Matthew S. |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe
Pre-war |
Pre-war Military Planning (Germany)
Stein, Oliver |
Central Europe; Germany
Pre-war |
Science and Technology (Australia)
Endacott, Eric |
Australasia; Australia
Home Front |
Science and Technology (Portugal)
Assis, José LuÃs |
Portugal; Western Europe
Home Front |