Baltische Landeswehr
Centek, Jarosław |
Eastern Europe; Latvia
Violence |
Cēsis, Battle of
Jēkabsons, Ēriks |
Eastern Europe; Latvia
Violence |
Czechoslovak-Hungarian Border Conflict
Piahanau, Aliaksandr |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Czechoslovakia; Hungary
Post-war |
Dmowski, Roman
Leśniewski, Michał |
Eastern Europe; Poland
Power |
Bucholtz, Mattheis |
Central Europe; Germany
Violence |
Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922
Macar, Elçin |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Violence |
Haller, Józef
Snopko, Jan |
Eastern Europe; Poland
Post-war; Violence
Independence Wars (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia)
Richter, Klaus |
Eastern Europe; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania
Post-war |
League of Nations
Ziegerhofer, Anita |
Africa; Australasia; Australia; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Brazil; Central Europe; East Asia; Eastern Europe; Ecuador; Finland; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Iraq; Italy; Japan; Latin America; Middle East; New Zealand; North America; Poland; Russian Empire; South America; Southern Africa; Switzerland; The Netherlands; Union of South Africa; USA; Western Europe
Post-war; Power
Occupation during and after the War (Middle East)
Mazza, Roberto |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Post-war; Power
Piłsudski, Józef
Leśniewski, Michał |
Eastern Europe; Poland
Post-war; Power; Violence
Szlanta, Piotr |
Eastern Europe; Poland
Home Front; Pre-war; Post-war; Power; Violence
Polish-German Border Conflict
Boysen, Jens |
Eastern Europe; Poland
Post-war |
Polish-Lithuanian Border Conflict
Laurinavičius, Česlovas |
Eastern Europe; Lithuania; Poland
Post-war |
Polish-Soviet War 1920-1921
Centek, Jarosław |
Eastern Europe; Poland
Post-war |
Polish-Ukrainian Conflict over Eastern Galicia
Dudko, Oksana |
Eastern Europe; Poland; Russian Empire; Ukraine
Post-war |
Post-war Military Action and Violence (East Central Europe)
Böhler, Jochen |
Eastern Europe; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Belarus; Ukraine
Post-war; Violence
Post-war Societies
Bessel, Richard |
Africa; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; Denmark; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Greece; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Poland; Russian Empire; Serbia; South East Europe; Ukraine; USA; West Africa; Western Europe; Yugoslavia
Post-war |
Post-war Societies (Czechoslovakia)
Konrád, Ota |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Czechoslovakia
Post-war |
Post-war Turmoil and Violence (Hungary)
Révész, Tamás |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Hungary
Post-war |