Referred to in articles
- Barthas, Louis
- Bereavement and Mourning, Commemoration and Cult of the Fallen (France)
- Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Indochina)
- Centenary (Computer Games)
- Centenary (France)
- Centenary (Germany)
- Champagne Offensives
- Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Indochina)
- Film/Cinema (France)
- Forts
- Gaulle, Charles de
- Indochina
- Joffre, Joseph Jacques Césaire
- Life and Death of Soldiers
- Literature (Japan)
- Making Sense of the War (Norway)
- Medals and Decorations
- Museums
- Mémorial de Verdun
- Nivelle, Robert Georges
- Non-European Soldiers
- Prisoners of War
- Prisoners of War (Belgium and France)
- Pétain, Philippe
- Refugees (France)
- Resettlement
- Revolutions
- Verdun, Site of Memory
- War Losses (France)
- Warfare 1914-1918
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Germany)
- Weapons
- Western Front
- Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany
- Women War Reporters