Referred to in articles
- Alī, Muḥammad Kurd
- Armenian Genocide
- Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople
- Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)
- Army of Islam
- Askerî Bey, Süleymân
- Bernstorff, Johann Heinrich, Graf von
- Bosnian Crisis
- Bronsart von Schellendorf, Friedrich
- Cavid Bey, Mehmed
- Cemal Paşa, Ahmed
- Centenary (Armenia)
- Centenary (Australia)
- Centenary (Turkey)
- Children and Youth: Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Civilian and Military Power
- Civilian and Military Power (Ottoman Empire)
- Colonial Empires after the War/Decolonization
- Colonies (Italy)
- Constantinople Agreement
- Dayal, Har
- Denikin, Anton Ivanovich
- Disease and Public Health (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
- Enver Pasha, Ismail
- Evrenoszade, Rahmi Bey
- Faysal I, King of Iraq
- Film/Cinema (Ottoman Empire)
- Food and Nutrition (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Franchet d'Espèrey, Louis Félix Marie François
- Gallipoli, Campaign and Battle of
- Goeben, SMS and Breslau, SMS
- Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922
- Hakkı, İsmail Bey
- Horthy, Miklós
- Hoyek, Elias
- Humann, Hans
- Husayn ibn Ali, King of Hejaz
- Imperialism
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- Islam in Austria-Hungary
- Jihad, Holy War (Ottoman Empire)
- Kara Kemal
- Kemal, Mustafa (Atatürk)
- Keyes, Roger John Brownlow, Baron
- Killigil, Nuri
- Kut, Halil
- Kuşçubaşı, Eşref Sencer
- Labour, Labour Movements and Strikes (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
- Martyrs/Separatists, Syrian and Lebanese
- Mediterranean Theater, Naval Operations
- Minorities (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Morgenthau, Henry, Sr.
- Mudros, Armistice of
- Near East Relief
- Negotiating and Mediating Conduct of War
- Occupation during and after the War (Ottoman Empire)
- Orphans (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Ottoman Empire/Middle East
- Pasha, Cavit
- Pasha, Esat
- Pasha, Talat
- Photography (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Post-war Societies (Turkey)
- Post-war Treaties (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
- Pre-war Military Planning
- Pre-war Military Planning (Ottoman Empire)
- Pre-war Societies (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Press/Journalism (Ottoman Empire)
- Prisoners of War (Australia)
- Propaganda at Home (Ottoman Empire)
- Propaganda in the Colonies (Africa)
- Prostitution (Ottoman Empire)
- Red Crescent (Hilal-i Ahmer)
- Reshid, Mehmed
- Revolutions
- Riezler, Kurt
- Role of German Officers in the Gallipoli Campaign
- Russian Occupation of the Eastern Ottoman Empire
- Said Nursi
- Sarre, Friedrich Paul Theodor
- Science and Technology (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Shakir, Bahaeddin
- Shifts and Tensions in Ethnic/National Groups
- The Churches
- The Soldier's Sister
- The Way to War
- Transportation and Logistics
- Urban Societies and Cities
- Wangenheim, Hans von
- War Finance (Ottoman Empire)
- War in the Balkans
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Newfoundland)
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Warfare 1914-1918 (South East Europe)
- Women War Reporters
- Women's Mobilization for War (Ottoman Empire/ Middle East)
- Wrangel, Petr Nikolaevich, Baron
- Yildirim Army Group