Referred to in articles
- Abteilung III b
- All Quiet on the Western Front (novel)
- Alliance System 1914
- Azmi, Jemal
- Beckmann, Max
- Berlin, 9 November 1918
- Bernstorff, Johann Heinrich, Graf von
- Beseler, Hans von
- Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
- Bissing, Moritz Ferdinand Freiherr von
- Borms, August
- Brockdorff-Rantzau, Ulrich Carl Christian, Graf
- Burgfrieden/Union sacrée
- Bäumer, Gertrud
- Bülow, Bernhard, Fürst von
- Casement, Roger, Sir
- Cemal Paşa, Ahmed
- Centenary (Armenia)
- Centenary (Education, Pedagogy, Youth Programs)
- Centenary (Germany)
- Centenary (Internet)
- Centenary (Museums)
- Centenary (Visual Arts)
- Chattopadhyaya, Virendranath
- Civilian and Military Power
- Civilian and Military Power (Germany)
- Civilian Morale
- Colonial State Power and Politics (Africa)
- Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Russian Empire)
- Constantine I, King of Greece
- Dada
- Dayal, Har
- Demobilization
- Ebert, Friedrich
- Enver Pasha, Ismail
- Erzberger, Matthias
- Ethiopia
- Expressionism
- Falkenhayn, Erich von
- Feminist Pacifism
- Film/Cinema (East Central Europe)
- Film/Cinema (Ottoman Empire)
- Flex, Walter
- Food and Nutrition
- Food and Nutrition (Germany)
- Foreign Policy (Spain)
- Foreign Policy (Sweden)
- Frank, Ludwig
- Friedrich, Ernst
- German Fatherland Party
- Germany
- Germany's Blank Cheque to Austria-Hungary
- Goltz, Rüdiger Graf von der
- Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Austria)
- Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Germany)
- Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Grosz, George
- Haase, Hugo
- Haber, Fritz
- Harden, Maximilian
- Hertling, Georg, Graf von
- Hirschfeld, Magnus
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hospitals
- Humanitarianism (Spain)
- Humann, Hans
- Husen, Bayume Mohamed
- Imperialism
- Influenza Pandemic
- Intelligence and Espionage (Spain)
- Intelligence and Espionage (Sweden)
- Inter-Allied Games
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- Islam in Austria-Hungary
- Jabotinsky, Vladimir
- Jagow, Gottlieb von
- Jihad, Holy War (Ottoman Empire)
- July Crisis 1914
- Kollwitz, Käthe
- Kuhl, Hermann Joseph von
- Labor (Germany)
- Labour Movements and Strikes, Social Conflict and Control, Protest and Repression (Germany)
- Labour Movements, Trade Unions and Strikes
- League of Nations
- Liebknecht, Karl Paul August Friedrich
- London, Treaty of (1915)
- Ludendorff, Erich
- Luxemburg, Rosa
- Marne, Battles of the
- Max, Adolphe
- Maximilian, Prince of Baden
- Michaelis, Georg
- Military and Strategy (Denmark)
- Moltke, Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von
- Moral Norms and Values
- Museums
- Musil, Robert
- Mutilation and Disfiguration
- Naval Blockade (of Germany)
- Naval Race between Germany and Great Britain, 1898-1912
- Negotiating and Mediating Conduct of War
- Non-European Soldiers
- Noske, Gustav
- Olympic Games 1916
- Pacifism
- Pais, Sidónio
- Pasha, Esat
- Pasha, Talat
- Payer, Friedrich von
- Pirenne, Henri
- Post-war Military Action and Violence (East Central Europe)
- Post-war Societies (Austria)
- Post-war Societies (Portugal)
- Pre-war Military Planning
- Press/Journalism (East Central Europe)
- Press/Journalism (Germany)
- Press/Journalism (Ottoman Empire)
- Propaganda in the Colonies (Africa)
- Public Kitchens (Germany)
- Radoslavov, Vasil
- Rathenau, Walther
- Red Cross
- Religious Mobilization and Popular Belief
- Revolutions
- Revolutions (Germany)
- Roth, Joseph
- Sarre, Friedrich Paul Theodor
- Scheler, Max Ferdinand
- Schlieffen, Alfred, Graf von
- Schnee, Heinrich
- Seeckt, Hans von
- Shakir, Bahaeddin
- Social Conflict
- Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
- Solf, Wilhelm Heinrich
- Sombart, Werner
- Stab-in-the-back Myth
- Staging War. Theatre 1914-1918
- State, Civil Society and Relief Organizations for War
- Stinnes, Hugo
- Stresemann, Gustav
- The Military at Home
- The Military Collapse of the Central Powers
- The Way to War
- Tisza, István, Gróf
- Toller, Ernst
- Urban Societies and Cities
- Wangenheim, Hans von
- War Finance
- War Finance (Ottoman Empire)
- War Poetry
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Germany)
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Portugal)
- Wartime and Post-war Economies (The Netherlands)
- Weber, Alfred
- Wiegand, Karl Henry von
- Wilhelm II, German Emperor
- Wolff Telegraph Bureau
- Women War Reporters
- Women's Mobilisation for War (Germany)
- Women’s Mobilization for War
- Workers' or Revolutionary Councils
- Zimmermann Telegram