Referred to in articles
- Arab Officers in the Ottoman Army
- Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople
- Askerî Bey, Süleymân
- Bell, Gertrude
- Cemal Paşa, Ahmed
- Civilian and Military Power (Ottoman Empire)
- Dunsterforce
- Extra-European Theatres of War
- Fall of Baghdad
- Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von der
- Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Health and Medicine (India)
- Imperialism
- Kut al-Amara
- Mesopotamia, British Mandate for
- Mesopotamian Front
- Near East Relief
- Non-European Soldiers
- Occupation during and after the War (Middle East)
- Ottoman Empire/Middle East
- Pasha, Cavit
- Press/Journalism (India)
- Prisoners of War (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Prostitution (Ottoman Empire)
- Sarre, Friedrich Paul Theodor
- Science and Technology (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Transportation and Logistics
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Great Britain and Ireland)
- Warfare 1914-1918 (India)
- Warfare 1914-1918 (Ottoman Empire/Middle East)
- Yildirim Army Group