Mentioned in articles
- Air Warfare
- Alekseyev, Mikhail Vasilʹevich
- Belgium
- Burgfrieden/Union sacrée
- Caricatures
- Champagne Offensives
- Charleroi, Battle of
- Civilian and Military Power
- Civilian and Military Power (France)
- Civilian Morale
- Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Indochina)
- Fayolle, Émile
- Ferry, Abel
- Foch, Ferdinand
- France
- Franchet d'Espèrey, Louis Félix Marie François
- Gallieni, Joseph-Simon
- Governments, Parliaments and Parties (France)
- Isonzo, Battles of
- Lanrezac, Charles Louis Marie
- Life and Death of Soldiers
- Marne, Battles of the
- Military Lessons of the First World War
- Millerand, Alexandre
- Moltke, Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von
- Nivelle, Robert Georges
- Pre-war Military Planning (France)
- Pre-war Military Planning (Russian Empire)
- Press/Journalism (France)
- Propaganda at Home (Belgium)
- Pétain, Philippe
- Revolutions
- Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria
- Soldier Newspapers
- The Way to War
- Viviani, René
- Volunteer Ambulance Services (USA)
- Warfare 1914-1918
- Warfare 1917-1918 (USA)
- Western Front