Mentioned in articles
- Bereavement and Mourning (USA)
- Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War
- Centenary (France)
- Civilian and Military Power
- Civilian and Military Power (France)
- Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Africa)
- Controversy: War Culture
- Drugs
- Fayolle, Émile
- Film/Cinema (France)
- Food and Nutrition (France)
- Forts
- France
- Gaulle, Charles de
- Hervé, Gustave
- Historiography 1918-Today (France)
- Inter-Allied Games
- Le Poilu
- Life and Death of Soldiers
- Memory of the War: Popular Memory 1918-1945, 1945 to the Present
- Memory of the War: Popular Memory 1918-1945, 1945 to the Present
- Military Developments of World War I
- Mémorial Interallié
- Organization of War Economies (France)
- Painlevé, Paul
- Pre-war Military Planning (France)
- Remembrance day: 11 November 1922-Today (France)
- Revolutions
- Soldier Newspapers
- Tanks and Tank Warfare
- Union fédérale (UF)
- Union nationale des Combattants (UNC)
- Verdun, Site of Memory
- War Aims and War Aims Discussions (France)
- Warfare 1914-1918
- Warfare 1917-1918 (USA)
- Western Front