107 Results
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Title  Author(s)  Region(s)  Theme(s) 
Baruch, Bernard Mannes Brown, Gates North America; USA Home Front
Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Russian Empire) Astashov, Aleksandr Borisovich Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Violence
Burgfrieden/Union sacrée Krumeich, Gerd Central Europe; France; Germany; Western Europe Power
Canada Granatstein, J. L. Canada; North America Home Front; Post-war; Pre-war; Violence
Cavid Bey, Mehmed Ryan, James Middle East; Ottoman Empire Post-war; Power
Centenary (Visual Arts) Gough, Paul Western Europe; Belgium; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Central Europe; Germany; Eastern Europe; Russian Empire; South East Europe; Greece; Middle East; Afghanistan; Africa; Union of South Africa; Australasia; Australia; New Zealand; North America; Canada; Newfoundland; USA Post-war; Media
Civilian and Military Power (China) Wu, Lin-Chun China; East Asia Power
Colonial State Power and Politics (Africa) Pesek, Michael Africa Power
Domestic Politics and Neutrality (Norway) Brazier, Eirik Norway; Western Europe Power
Economic Planning before 1914 Horn, Martin Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Russian Empire; Western Europe Pre-war
Economies and Home Front (Union of South Africa) Nasson, Bill Africa; Union of South Africa Home Front
Egypt Rose, Christopher S. Egypt Home Front; Pre-war; Post-war; Power
Empire Manela, Erez Western Europe; India; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Ireland; Italy; Portugal; Central Europe; Austria-Hungary; Germany; Eastern Europe; Russian Empire; Middle East; Afghanistan; Egypt; Ottoman Empire; Palestine; Syria; Africa; East and Central Africa; Northern Africa; Southern Africa; Union of South Africa; West Africa; South and South East Asia; Burma; Indochina; East Asia; China; Japan; Korea; Australasia; Australia; New Zealand; North America; Canada; Newfoundland; USA Power
Film/Cinema (East Central Europe) Pryt, Karina Eastern Europe; Poland Media
Food and Nutrition (Russian Empire) Golubinov, Iaroslav Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Home Front
Foreign Policy (The Netherlands) Abbenhuis, Maartje The Netherlands; Western Europe Power
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (China) Wu, Lin-Chun China; East Asia Power
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Ottoman Empire/Middle East) Ahmad, Feroz Middle East; Ottoman Empire Power
Hồ Chí Minh Brocheux, Pierre Indochina; South and South East Asia Post-war; Power
Hong Kong Kwong, Chi Man East Asia; Hong Kong
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