27 Results
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Title  Author(s)  Region(s)  Theme(s) 
Aircraft, Fighter and Pursuit Wells, Mark Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Violence
Aircraft, Reconnaissance and Bomber Morris, Craig Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Violence
Air Warfare (Italy) Caffarena, Fabio Italy; Western Europe Violence
Arms Race prior to 1914, Armament Policy Brose, Eric Western Europe; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Central Europe; Germany; Eastern Europe; Russian Empire; Middle East; Ottoman Empire Pre-war
Automobile Industry (Austria-Hungary) Blasi, Walter Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe Pre-war
Bloch, Jan Gotlib Janiak-Jasińska, Agnieszka Eastern Europe; Poland Power; Pre-war
Fall of Baghdad Herzog, Christoph Middle East; Iraq Violence
Imperialism Barth, Boris Western Europe; Belgium; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Italy; Portugal; Central Europe; Austria-Hungary; Germany; South East Europe; Serbia; Middle East; Ottoman Empire; Africa; East and Central Africa; Northern Africa; Southern Africa; Union of South Africa; West Africa; East Asia; China; Japan; North America; USA Pre-war
International Responses to the Russian Civil War (Russian Empire) Mawdsley, Evan Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Post-war; Power; Violence
La Dame Blanche Decock, Pierre Belgium; Western Europe Power
McAdoo, William Gibbs Huibregtse, Jon North America; USA Power
Military Developments of World War I Zabecki, David T. Western Europe; France; Great Britain and Ireland; Great Britain; Central Europe; Germany Violence
On the Road to Modern War Showalter, Dennis Central Europe; East Asia; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Japan; North America; Russian Empire; USA; Western Europe Violence
Panama and Panama Canal Schuster, Sven Latin America; Panama Pre-war
Post-war Economies (Africa) Walker-Said, Charlotte Africa; East and Central Africa; Southern Africa; Union of South Africa; West Africa Post-war
Post-war Economies (Russian Empire) Heywood, Anthony Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Post-war
Provincial Capitals (Japan) Young, Louise East Asia; Japan Home Front
Railways (Russian Empire) Cvetkovski, Roland Eastern Europe; Russian Empire Home Front
Riga, Treaty of Borzęcki, Jerzy Eastern Europe; Poland Post-war
Rubber Gliech, Oliver Brazil; Central Europe; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Latin America; North America; South America; USA; Western Europe Home Front
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