Demm, Eberhard |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Russian Empire; Western Europe
Media |
Centenary (Austria)
Wedrac, Stefan |
Central Europe; Austria-Hungary; Austria
Post-war |
Centenary (Turkey)
Maksudyan, Nazan |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Post-war |
Foreign Policy (Sweden)
Ã…selius, Gunnar |
Sweden; Western Europe
Power |
Latin America
Rinke, Stefan; Kriegesmann, Karina
Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Latin America; Mexico; Panama; Peru; South America
Home Front; Media; Power; Pre-war; Violence
Press Censorship (Portugal)
Novais, Noémia Malva |
Portugal; Western Europe
Media |
Keisinger, Florian |
Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Ireland; Western Europe
Media |
Press/Journalism (Australia)
Trembath, Richard |
Australasia; Australia
Media |
Press/Journalism (East Central Europe)
Brudek, Paweł |
Eastern Europe; Estonia; Finland; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland
Media; Pre-war
Press/Journalism (India)
Jarboe, Andrew Tait |
South and South East Asia; India
Media |
Press/Journalism (New Zealand)
Liebich, Susann |
Australasia; New Zealand
Media |
Press/Journalism (Ottoman Empire)
Enacar, Ekin |
Middle East; Ottoman Empire
Media |
Press (Latin America)
Jiménez, Patricia Vega |
Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Latin America; Mexico; Panama; Peru; South America; Uruguay; Venezuela
Media |
Propaganda at Home (Belgium)
Rochet, Bénédicte |
Belgium; Western Europe
Media |
Propaganda (China)
Steen, Andreas |
China; East Asia
Media |
Propaganda War (Latin America)
Rinke, Stefan |
Argentina; Chile; Latin America; Mexico; Paraguay; South America
Media |
Social Conflict and Control, Protest and Repression (Indochina)
Morlat, Patrice |
Indochina; South and South East Asia
Home Front |
Wolff Telegraph Bureau
Tworek, Heidi J.S. |
Central Europe; Germany
Media |