65 Results
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Title  Author(s)  Region(s)  Theme(s) 
Atrocities Kramer, Alan Austria; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Middle East; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; Serbia; South East Europe; Ukraine; Western Europe Violence
Cattaro, Mutiny of Lenormand, Paul Austria; Austria-Hungary; Central Europe; Czechoslovakia Violence
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer Toye, Richard Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Power
Civilian and Military Power (Great Britain and Ireland) Johnson, Matthew Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Power
Colonies (Italy) Berhe, Simona Italy; Western Europe Power
Food and Nutrition Cronier, Emmanuelle Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Central Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; USA; Western Europe Home Front; Violence
Food and Nutrition (East Central Europe) Griffante, Andrea Eastern Europe; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Russian Empire; Belarus Home Front
Foreign Policy and Business Diplomacy (Denmark) Andersen, Steen Denmark; Western Europe Power
Foreign Policy (Norway) Berg, Roald Western Europe; Norway Power
Foreign Policy (Sweden) Åselius, Gunnar Sweden; Western Europe Power
Foreign Policy (The Netherlands) Abbenhuis, Maartje The Netherlands; Western Europe Power
Freedom of the Seas Young, Jr., James Leroy North America; USA Power
Germany Hirschfeld, Gerhard Central Europe; Germany Home Front; Pre-war; Power; Violence
Goeben, SMS and Breslau, SMS Miertzschke, Benjamin Middle East; Ottoman Empire Violence
Governments, Parliaments and Parties Oppelland, Torsten Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Canada; Central Europe; East Asia; Eastern Europe; France; Germany; Great Britain and Ireland; Italy; Japan; Middle East; North America; Ottoman Empire; Russian Empire; Sweden; USA; Western Europe Power
Governments, Parliaments and Parties (Germany) Oppelland, Torsten Central Europe; Germany Power
Grand Fleet Steele, Chuck Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Violence
Great Britain Badsey, Stephen Great Britain; Great Britain and Ireland; Western Europe Home Front; Media; Post-war; Power; Violence
High Seas Fleet Huck, Stephan Central Europe; Germany Violence
Historiography 1918-Today (Middle East/Arab Lands) Smith, Charles D. Middle East; Ottoman Empire Post-war
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