Call for Papers

Military and Strategy (Switzerland)

Regional Thematic Article

This thematic article should address the military and strategic position of Switzerland during the First World War, focusing especially on the mobilisation of the Swiss army in 1914-1918 (including the election of a general), problems in regard equipment and weaponry, the strategic situation of the country, infighting within the army command, the stationing of troops along the border (especially in the Jura and in Grisons), military relations with neighbouring countries, the daily lives of soldiers (incl. Verband Soldatenwohl), the issue of compensation for the loss of wages, turmoil within the army as well as the internal use of the military to keep up the order within the country (Ordnungsdienst).
Links should be made to the following existing encyclopedia articles:
Domestic Politics and Neutrality (Switzerland)
Landesstreik (Switzerland)
Oltener Aktionskomitee
Züblin-Spiller, Else


Submit your application

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