
Naganawa, Norihiro: Musul'manskoe soobshchestvo v usloviiakh mobilizatsii: uchastie volgo-ural'skikh musul'man na voinakh poslednego desiatletiia sushchestovaniia Rossiiskoi imperii (Muslim society during mobilization: war participation of Volga-Ural Muslims in the final decades of the Russian Empire), in: Naganawa, Norihiro / Usmanova, Dili︠a︡ra / Hamamoto, Mami (eds.): Volgo-Ural'skii region v imperskom prostranstve [The Volga-Ural region in the imperial space], Moscow 2011 Vostochnai︠a︡ lit-ra RAN, p. 198–228.

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